Anyone knowanything about Dr. Loggins
I have my first appointment April 13th at CMMC with Dr. Loggins. Does anyone know anything about him? Is he nice? Does he do good work? I have millions of questions for him so he better be ready! :-)
I'm so excited but really nervous too. I've been overweight my whole life and i'm so ready for a drastic life change. I've read everyone's posts and you guys are doing awesome. I'm so proud of anyone who has the endurance to alter their whole way of life. That's going to be me soon!!
Congrats everyone,
I have read a little about him. I know CMMC lured him up here to start their bariatric program. I think I read he ran a very successful one elsewhere. I thought about seeing him when it looked like the wait at MMC was too long, but the wait at CMMC was just as long, so I stayed where my dr sent me.
I'll try to find the story I found and send you a link.
Let us know how it goes!
PS...He is SOOOOO cute!!!
Here's the story...I may have been wrong about him running another center, but his credentials are good, just the same.