Wolff/Cobean scheduling question
Yes, It does take some time. I have been going through the process for about a year. But don't get discouraged....remember, we didn't get this way over night so consequently we aren't going to fix it over night. The time seems to go by quickly so just hang in there and stay involved with support meetings. Make sure to touch base with the bariactric center if you aren't hearing from them like you think you should. Good luck :-) I will be signing my consent forms with Dr. Wolff on Monday March 5th. YeeeeHaaaa! :thumbsup:
Thanks for the info. I got discouraged as I know of someone who got their 2nd appt date by the end of the week of their first. The appt was a couple of months later, but they got the date quickly.
I'm hoping to have this done by the end of June, as my employer may change insurance companies when this contract runs out July 1.
You must be exited to sign the papers. Not much longer for you!!! Woo-hoo!!