First team meeting...over
I guess it went well. I'm more confused about RNY/Lap-band than before...but I think I'm going to stick to RNY.
Counselor was fine. I have to do a food diary concentrating on my feelings when I eat.
I guess I understand it, but I HATE journaling! HOnestly, I've never gotten anything out of it...but I'll do what she wants. I also have to go back tomorrow to do some paperwork with her? Anyone else have to do this? She did say she thinks I'm a good WLS candidate, so at least I know she doesn't think I'm too
Dietician was nice. All well there...I'm supposed to start weening myself off of caffeine, and learn to eat slowly.
I really liked Dr. Wolff. Very nice. I did get the sense though, that she is trying to "sell" LB over RNY. She wants me to have an endoscopy got to schedule that.
I think part of my nerves is that this all just became a lot more real.
So glad that part is over.

Glade to hear it went well
I had to go back and do more paper work with her too. she will tell you to keep on journaling and she will give you a paper to fill out with questions. then to mail it back to them. The Dr. probably likes LB because you can have it adjusted if needed. RNY you can't once it done that it. If the stomach stretches there is no way of fixing it.
Now your on your way

I had some trying times with Laura, but when I stood back to look at the situation, she really is doing her job. Tough as it can be sometimes. There are some people that go through the operation and then coast, not following the food rules. They either get themselves into problems, or they start gaining the weight back. It's her job and the whole team to make sure everyone that goes to that office is a good candidate and someone who will comply with what is expected of them.
She sent me back for more counselling, man was I angry with her. Mom and I had the meeting at the center & decided to stick around for the Tues night Group. Guess who was running the group that night? Yes, Laura. That was unreal. I'm actually glad tho that it got postponed for awhile, because I had questions I hadn't gotten answers for as late as this week when I called Barbara. So I finally was approved, and my surgery date is 2-27-07. So for now it's the pre-op diet!
Jan G