Patients of Cobean/Wolff...advice needed!
I got my paperwork for my first appt about a month ago. I read it immediately, and then put it aside. I re-read it again today, and somehow missed the part about start a diet and track progress! Now I've only a month till my appt. I don't know what to try. I'm also so worried that they will say I waited too long, and won't be considered for surgery. They seem to be so picky that I'm scared if I go in with a hair out of place, they'll reject me.
What did you do for your pre-visit diet plan? Got any advice?
I had my 1st appt with Dr Cobean in April 2006 and had my suregery on August 7, 2006. I was never asked to do a diet before my 1st visit. I was told after my 1st visit NOT to gain any weight. I lost 24 lbs before surgery because I was so scared I would be rejected and the 2 week post op diet also helped me lose some weight.
My advise is you should call the Bariatric Center and speak with someone about your paperwork. Ask them what you should try. Everyone there is very nice and they ALL want you to succeed.