Im so excited! On average...
once you meet with the surgeon and go have your diet and psych consults, typically how long was it until you had your surgery date?
I know this will vary on what insurance you have but I was just looking for a ballpark number. I went and saw the seminar a couple of days ago and I have my inital consult for next Friday. I am so excited to get this ball rolling. I have PCOS and my dream in life is to have a baby, and I am hoping that by doing this I will be one step closer to making this dream a reality.
When you meet with your surgeon and all your paperwork is in place he/she will submit all of this to the insurance company. Once approval is given the date is set. When I had my surgeon appointment I asked this question. At that time (summer) there were vacations and such but it was about a 1 month wait for a date. However this may very well be sooner for you!! My point is.....not long!! Good Luck!
Hi Jill,
I noticed you are from Waterville. Did you attend the seminar in Augusta by the Augusta Bariatric Center? If so, I may be able to help answer some of your questions since that is who I'm going through.
I attended my seminar at the beginning of September, have done my Psych eval and only have one Nutrtion appt on the 30th to do before they submit my app to insurance. I'm hoping to have surgery before Christmas or the end of the year.
The time-line depends alot on the location and the population in the area of the center. Busier Bariatric Centers have longer waiting timeframes. Augusta just brought a new GBP surgeon into the center and so the wait time is low compared to other places. It also depends on your comfort level as you learn more about the procedures, etc.
As for having a baby post-op....I've heard great reports! Good Luck and I hope all works out for you. If I can help, feel free to email me at: [email protected]
Blessings, Yvonne