Thirty-six hours
...till my surgery. Feeling a normal amount of apprehension, and I had a bit of a melt down last night...reading a sad story about a dying dog, which suddenly translated into dying people...and.... well, that sort of thing often sets me off. I'm trying hard to keep myself distracted. I've organized and cleaned the house for my helpers, my
puppy-watchers are ready to step in, my liquids, protein and soft foods await.
Any last minute suggestions?

Hi Karen,
Only one suggestion, relax. You have chosen a wonderful and very skilled surgeon and the nurses at EMMC are very caring and attentive. Walk as much as you can stand to after surgery, besides helping prevent blood clots, it helps get the gas moving. I wish I would have had either the beautician or one of the nurses wash my hair for me, by the time I could shower just prior to my release I was feeling gross. I'm sending you my thoughts and prayers for an uneventful surgery and a very speedy recovery.
By the time you read this your surgery will be over. I wish you a speedy recovery and if I can ever answer any questions for you please don't hesitate to email me. - Cheryl
[email protected]