For everyone
Hello Everyone!
I just thought I'd drop in and say hi. This board gets really quiet. But, now with the weather turning chilly again, I'm thinking people will be around just a little more. I hope you are all doing well with your weight loss. I'm still about the same as always, 257 today. 5 pounds less than 2 weeks ago. So I guess that's a start...again. I am doing really well with avoiding sweets and garbage foods these days. Exercising almost every day. Watching The Biggest Loser EVERY week(Wednesdays@9pm on NBC). I really enjoy that show. Finally one I can relate to. YAY! Anyone else watch it? What do you think of the new trainer, Kim?? Can't say I care all that much for her...but Bob, he's great!
Anyhow, like I said, I just dropped in to say hi. Hope all is well with everyone. Feel free to send me a message. Always good to hear from people I can relate to.
Take care.
Hi Julie..I agree with you about how quiet the board is. I haven't been on for awhile, things going on and I started my new business,(Mia Bella Gourmet Candles) and there are only so many hrs in a day, LOL. I thought today, I would check things out.
I have only been home awhile from my consultation today with Dr. Toder. She said things look fine and looks like November 16-30-ish will be surgery dates (ball park dates). That will depend on approval from my insurance company.
I am excited, a little anxious and like most all on here, it's hurry up and wait..but the time will fly by like all the other waiting for appts.
I liked Dr. Toder. very nice lady I thought. She was surprised I think of all the questions I asked, she kinda chuckled and said, well, I can see my nurse will be expecting some questions possibly..I laughed and said it was the thing to do and she said thats right, the best educated patients, are the ones who suceed! I am sure going to try to prove her right!
I am gonna try to check in on here more often to see how people are doing...
Take care, Diane
Hi Julie,
You're right, this board is very, very quiet most of the time. But the main messageborad can get way to "hot". Some days I like a slower pace, know what I mean? I'm still pre-op, surgery scheduled for Nov. 2. Just about everything I need to get done is done. Now I'm alone with the butterflies in my stomach--they'll have to find a new home soon!
I've been following a high protein diet since July and have lost 8 lbs....not reqiured to but it can't hurt. I've been walking a mile a day, 4-5 x a week and I'm wondering how I'm going to keep active this winter. I'm sure I'll think of something.
Nice to chat with you.
Hello Ladies.
CONGRATULATIONS to both of you on your surgery dates!!! I'm very happy for you. I hope you both have smooth surgeries and speedy recoveries. You must be so excited! It's kind of like getting an early Christmas Present. My early gift was a treadmill. I have one room in my house that is an exercise room/laundry room/computer room. My place. I know I won't get outside all that much to exercise in winter, so I have things all set up here to keep me moving. Now if I can just get my cravings under control. Then it'd be smooth sailing (at least I think so).
Well, again, congratulations to both of you!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck.
Hi Julie,
I'm a new member here, but the site is much quieter than I expected. Congratulations on your 5# weight loss....every little bit counts! Where are you in the WLS process? I have my first Nutrition consultation on Monday and my Psych Eval on Halloween of all days! Hopefully it's a "treat" for me! lol My appt.s are in Waterville, but my surgeon is in Augusta. Looks like alot of members here are further south or north of me.
Winter exercising can be a challenge. The treadmill will certainly help you! I'd love to be able to fit one into my house, but I already have an air bike that doesn't fit. Very small cottage. I joined Curves to help out with this issue, but I think I'm going to have to find some at-home ideas too. For now....Enjoy the wonderful weather we're having and walk...walk...walk!
Blessings, Yvonne in Anson