foods you can't tolerate?
Hi, I was just curious about foods people can't tolerate post op. Yes I'm getting to the point where I'm mourning foods, mainly because I'm so early out and my diet hasn't been advanced to include veggies and fruit yet. I see tons of great recipes on the recipe board and was wondering if you're able to tolerate most things in moderation? Thanks
I just celebrated my 4th surgiversary yesterday...and the ONLY food I cannot tolerate is Kraft Mac & Cheese. Preop, I loved it, but now it makes my pouch ache after just 2 tiny bites. Ugh. There are many foods I can't eat much of - deviled eggs - more than one and I'm queasy, but I can still enjoy that one (1/2).
There IS life and eating after fact, if you're not careful you can tolerate things so well you can go overboard. I have to limit certain foods - and definitely my trigger foods.

Thank you Tooter for your reply. I also wanted to thank you for the info in the lastest edition, I plan on bringing up the calcium issue with my nut as they recomend Viactiv. I certainly don't want to step on anyones toes but I do need to take charge of my health. Congratulation on 4 years, you are an such an inspiration!