Hi all
This is my first post on the Maine board and want to say Hi to all fellow Mainers.
I have been very fortunate so far in the process of going for surgery. I had my first appt. with Dr. Cobean in March and have since had second appt. I am now scheduled to have surgery Sept. 11th and have been approved by my insurance company.
I want to thank everyone for sharing their progress for others to read. It is very helpful to learn the good and the bad from those who have been there.
Hope to get to know some of you better. Best wishes on your journey and take care.
I am doing great I feel great. I have been back to work since monday. Just doing light duty no lifting at all. I see my Dr. on tuesday for my 2 week follow up, as you know Dr. Toder is all liquid for the first 2 weeks so on Tuesday I will go to soft foods. I cant wait for that something different. I hope you go to the support meeting tonight I would like to see the new you!!
Good to have you on board. You will find good support here. We are all in this together. I have lost 34 LB. in two weeks. I've noticed that my clothes fit me better and that I have more energy. I had the open procedure. My surgeon did a good job with the incision and with the railroad tracks that I have, it was a blessing. Welcome, and hope your surgery goes well for you as it did for me.!!