Maine board is too quiet
Hi Ann
You're right, it is pretty silent, here on the Maine board. We' need to do something about that, right?
I was reading your profile--this must seem like the light at the end of the tunnel for you. I went to my first meeting at EMMC on the 14th, and they've already scheduled me for a sleep study, NUT appointments and Psych testing, all by the end of August. And sometime in there I need to fit in a three day trip to NH. Dr. Clough is going to be my doctor, too, but I havent met him yet.

Hi Karen, I'm finally in the home stretch and it seems like a small miracle. LOL Dr Clough is a wonderful surgeon and I was very relieved when I met him. He is very kind and sincere. I was also a little nervous about having open as well, but I know the pain will be minimal with the epidural. Good luck with your journey and please post, email or send smoke signals, whatever it takes to keep me updated how you're doing.
Hi Michele, I'm from the Farmington area. It's pretty funny but I hear that all the time. You look like someone I know. I went out with one of my friends the other night and some guy walks up to me out of the blue and gives me a great big hug and says " Beth, I haven't seen you in while, how are you " LOL
Hope you're having a good night.

Yes, I am here. I'm so excited for you. I was operated on two weeks ago, and all ready feel better, I can move, I have more energy, I never thought that the reason that I was so tired could have been with so much weight. Ann, you will do just fine, I have learned that taking care of me first, I feel the better for it. I'm in your corner. I thought that my whole world would change, well it hasn't. I'm taking care of my grand children, I'm looking for new line of work. I have the energy now that I didn't before, HMMMM, maybe my world has changed but not in ways that I thought that it would!? That is an interesting idea.....
Hi Ann, Just to let you know, I went to the Dr's and dietician, I have lost 34 Lb in two weeks. No wonder I am feeling better!! I have no scales at home. Don't believe in them. If I can do it, you can do it. I like to cook, so I make different things and read labels to make my own concoctions. This way, it's not boring and I look forward to new things to drink and now, to eat. Hope all is well for you....I'm thinking of you.