Having a freak out moment....
Sigh... It has been a while since my last update.
I am exhausted.. I have 18 days until my surgery. I have gone through every test, every form filled out and every procedure completed and the one last thing is having this stupid form filled out for my work. You see, I have no vacation built up, I have no sick days really and I do not qualify for FMLA nor do I qualify for Short Term Disability until I am out of work for more than 31 days, (and I was never planning on being out of work that long anyways.)
So what that means is that I have talked to my boss and his boss and they have agreed for me to work from home after my surgery. Work from home means working on my laptop while relaxing in my recliner. I was told that I need a note from my doctor to say it is okay for me to do that from home. Dr. Lidor is okay with signing the form and writing the note saying it is okay for me to work from home after the surgery..
Now.. I am being told that I absolutely can not come back to the office unless my surgeon releases me to full duty.
My work says.. because I am out for a personal illness and not a work related injury, they will not allow me to come back to the office under light duty at all.
Which is pretty stupid considering I am an administrative assistant and my job description entails me working from a desk all day long.
So I am calling the head of the HR department for our parent company, Constellation Energy.
I am going to educate them on how this is effecting me.
I know that everyone is going to tell me that I should take my time at home recovering and that I am going to be too sore and too weak to go back to work.
Unfortunately... that is a luxury that I can not afford. On the one hand.. I can do my job just as well sitting at home as I can at my office sitting in my chair... so whats the point of staying home?
I work in an office with me and one other person. It is not like I am putting myself in any more danger than I am by sitting at home.
So I thought it is a good comprimise.. I stay home for the first week and then start actually going into work the following week. Work is after all only 10 minutes from my house.
So this red tape and all these hoops that my company's internal medical department is having me jump through is stressing me out more than the actual surgery is.
The second major issue for me right now is this-
I went to my nutritionist appointment and I sat with her and talked about everything.
The really big thing is that I feel like everything that I learned and talked about with her has gone right out of my head.
I need to get someone to just give me a list... a check list of what I need to buy. What protein, what calcium, what vitamins,....
I know all this.. I should know all this.....
Am I just freaking out? I just am not feeling prepared enough.
I also do not feel very comfortable that I will know how or when to eat.
Can anyone else relate??? I dont know. I guess I just am needing to vent.......
Hello Joel,
Don't freak out, I am still right here. Give me a call when you get a chance today. I should be home after 2pm. My husband is having oral surgery so I need to go with him then I can talk to you about both things to purchase and exercise. I am going to support group tomorrow night, if you can make it, please come it will help you to know there are others stressing out too as their surgery grows closer as well. I am sorry I haven't called this weekend I spent studying for my exam and finally took it yesterday afternoon. Once again I am here so call me today.
Hey Joel - Totally normal to freak out a few times before surgery. I would just see how you feel after your procedure and then let things fall into place with work. I'm sure Dr. Lidor can wite you a note to say you are perfectly capable of being back to full duty considering the nature of your role after that first week. You can always call her office at that point and ask her to fax the note over to HR. Matter of fact I would just set that up all in advance.
Protein - Try unjury www.unjury.com or nectar if you like something less creamy. Basically any mix that is low or no sugar. You can find a lot of good ones from www.bariatriceating.com. The unjury you can mix with 4oz of skim milk. I like to also mix with SF pudding to make it thicker.
For vitamins - you need calcium, b12, and a multi. Try the ones from www.bariatricadvantage.com If you want a few days to hold you over I would happy to give you some of mine. I stocked up for a few months.
I live in Towson so you can either pick them up at my place or if you want I work at Mercy Medical Center. I could arrange to meet you during the day there when I get a break.
Did your nutirionist give you any documentation to follow for meal plan/items you can have right after surgery?
Hi Joel
Missed you at Bayview. Call you know the number. Husband is getting ready for further back surgery. Pre-testing , school , and work have kept me pretty well tied up here lately. Have a surprize for you hope to see you before your surgery. I have a book you might like to see. Good luck
Karen Duncan