Lark Ryan
One would think he would have known, but I was never given a clear answer. To me that means that he didn't look at the gall bladder ultra sound or xrays. But even so he did find it and hopefully fixed it. I had a cat jump on my stomach on Aug 5th and been having realllly sharp pains in my stomach. Went to see Dr Singh and he said it was muscle strain and that I could still continue to go back to work on the 18th if I was up to it. It comes and goes but then again there are days when I can't do squat the rest of the day cause i'm so out of it. But thankfully with my short term disablility at work, I have a 14 day window when i go back to work and have to come back in for anything, I am still covered under the same claim. All I have to say is make sure they get those results and ultra sound at the office before the procedure. Hope this helps!