Dr.Von Rueden
HE IS THE BEST!! End of story, lol..
As you can see I'm one of his patients. I adore him. His staff is outstanding. I would suggest reading my profile and maybe coming to his next information session..
It's at GBMC, in his new office..I think it is the north pavillion..I would call and double check.
The information session is Wednesday, July 27th from 6-7:15 and support group is after that and lasts until 8:30ish..
call his office first to double check 443-849-3779.
Anyone who is a patient of his can tell you right upfront how much he really does care about all of us. I hope you choose DVR (as we call him)..I've never heard anything bad about him and I certainly can't say that for some of the other area doctors...
Good luck with everything..hope this helps!
I attended one of the sessions back in May and I did speak with one of his patients briefly. They told me nothing but good things. I also have had contact with Cherie at the office. She is a sweetie. I have an appointment with him on Monday..I think there office will be more attentive. Deep down, I believe I was not approved because of the lack of experience the other office has. This can really mess you up.