Maryland Law Changing in Oct?
I read where someone said the the MD law is changing in Oct! What are these changes? Where can I find the offical change?
I plan on changing Ins during open season so that I can have lapband instead of RNY. I don't want to pass up my chance to have surgery because I do have the coverage for RNY but due to other health problems do not want this type.
Plese Help
I searched through the Maryland General Assembly site, and couldn't find any relevant regulations that would take effect this October. Senate Bill 333, however, changes some of the provisions of section 15-839 of the Maryland state code which pertains to the mandated coverage for morbid obesity treatment. In a nutshell, SB333 sets up the state's task force for obesity surgery and requires the state to fund it. Originally the state law requiring insurance companies to cover bariatric surgery (which was passed in 2004) had an expiration date, but this senate bill gets rid of that.
However, your profile states that you're a federal employee, and state laws don't apply to your insurance coverage. You'll have to research your insurance options when open enrollment rolls around. Aetna does cover it, but only if you have certain health conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, or if you have a lot of abdominal cavity scar tissue from prior surgery or trauma.
I recommend posting to the lap-band forum on OH to find out which insurance companies are open to approving lap-bands.
Thanks I also searched the MD General Assembly site and could not find anything. I thought that maybe I missed something. I asked this question because someone stated in their reply that is was changing. Can't remember why or who now! I read so much in this site. I am doing a lot of research daily because this is a big decision, not only for me but also for my daughter who is studying music at Juilliard and wants to sing professionally. Thanks so much for researching this question for me too.

I was notified by Carefirst BC/BS that Maryland legislation was passed and will go into effect October 1, 2005, that changes Small Employer Group. Self-employed people will no longer be able to enroll in Small Employer Group. If you need to get insurance in the open enrollment period, as I had to do due to my height/weight ratio, it will no longer be available to you. You would have to try under regular underwriters policy, which I will never qualify for due to their regulations. I applied to Mamsi and was denied and was told to go for open enrollment then they received the notice that they were no longer allowing open enrollment for self-employed. Good luck.
Thanks Wanda and I am sorry that you are having Ins problems. This change will not affect myself as I work for the federal gov't. I was told by a follow employee that inc company are changing their policies to stop approving WLS. I hope she is passing bad grapevine stuff as I am going to have lap band after the first of the year. BabraraC