How much hair did you lose?
I have the same question but I want it answered differently than it is being answered here.
What scenario occurs most often:
1. Only the person who owns the hair really notices the loss.
2. People I see every day will think "crap, she's going bald!"
3. Strangers who have never seen me before will think, "that poor girl is going bald."
I'm with you... whatever the answer is, I don't care. I just want to know what to prepare myself for...
Sounds like I'm same as you. While I *appear* to have a lot of hair... I really don't. I have let people gather it up into their hand a la ponytail to prove my point and they're always quite surprised... especially before I started wearing it straight. I grew up in Texas and learned early how to make those big Texas 'Dos! Hair and eyes are my best features too.. though my face has gotten to chubby to really show up my eyes like I used to.
I went to Kligman's seminar tonight, and while he did say it could likely happen... it didn't sound like a big deal. Is that the feeling you got from him? I would *think* if it was a big deal we'd be seeing a lot more "BUY A HAT!!!" type replies.
*** AND... you know what just dawned on me? I've been looking at the BEFORE & AFTER pics on here for months... many of which were at 4, 6 and 8 months out... and at NO TIME did I ever take any particular notice of whether the person had more or less hair in the AFTERS. So, obviously I've seen nothing negatively drastic... though it may have seemed drastic to the person in the picture. Most everyone looks wonderful. In fact, I can remember thinking several times "Wow... she went and got herself a cute new hairstyle to go with her new look!"