How much hair did you lose?
I know that hair loss is inevitable and that most of us will experience it post-op. Although its only temporary, the idea of losing my hair freaks me out. Most people report that it begins around the 3rd month and starts to grow back around the 9th month.
For those that are post-op-- how did you cope with it?
I have really long hair but its not that thick. I am thinking about buying hair extensions in advance so I can prepare for the initial loss. And even once the hair grows back, I can still use the extensions.
I know it sounds like vanity but my hair and eyes are the only 2 parts of my body that I like and I don't like the idea of losing either one.

I'm eight weeks out and have no signs of hair loss. It has always been very thick so even if I did end up losing a little then I wouldn't miss it. Another plus.. my nails seem to be growing faster than ever. Very strong too. Other that the first week home I have had no colds. I really believe part of it is that I am really consistent with taking my bariatric advantage vitamins and am getting in at least 80 grams of protein a day.
The only thing that is a off is my hormones. I seem to be spotting at least one day a week. I was irregular prior to surgery but I just hardly ever got my period at all then. Just before I spot I notice people get on my nerves more easily too. I get like 1 day of PMS and all the "fun" moody stuff that goes with it. Then the next day I will have an episode of spotting/very light flow for just an hour if that. No food cravings though which is very nice!! I have zero desire for anything sugary and am fortunate that I don't feel hunger. PMS prior to surgery would send me straight to the carbs and sugar as well as major overeating.
Melanie hi,
I started noticing I was losing hair about a month ago (my 3 mos). I started taking biotin pills (I get them at Wal-mart) they supposedly help with hair loss & problems with your nails. Seems to have helped a little. My hair is down past my shoulders and I have been thinking (only thinking) about getting it cut a little shorter to take some of the weight off of it and maybe it won't come out so much. I clean my brush everyday from the hair in it........I just try to be really gentle when I bru****don't run my fingers thru it anymore as there's always some in my fingers after I do it. If I put combs in my hair to hold it back it makes my scalp hurt after a few hours --- so I wear it straight or twist it and clip it up (set it with hot rollers occasionally too). I look at it as mine's just thinning itself out. It doesn't happen to everyone though....maybe you'll be one of those lucky ones!! Either way I wouldn't change having the hair'll grow back it always does.
Best of luck to you!!! pat

Hi Melanie, while some folks don't lose their hair, lots do...including me. My hair WAS always VERY thick and coarse...and some will try and tell you that you will only lose your hair if you don't get your protein, etc...well, I have always gotten in my protein AND bloodwork is perfect...but I still lost almost HALF of my hair. But I had lots to begin with....
I started at about the 3 month stage...until about the 8 month stage....I have since cut my long(ish) hair short to help it grow in....
My hair is very important to me....that is usually the first thing most folks notice on that that I am out almost 14 months, I would do it again in a hair will grow back...but hopefully my hips and ass won't!! LOL
At this point, whatever is going to happen,is going to knew the possibilities BEFORE surgury....get in your protein and least that way you will know that you have done everything you can do...also, if you are healthy it will grow in healthy....
Best wishes,
Hi Melanie.
I had a TON of hair pre-op. Now that I am 11 onths out I am told that I now have the hair of a normal person, meaning I have lost some but not all. I started losing hair around the 3rd month, this is caused from your body changing and not getting the nurtrients that it was once use to. What I changed that seems to work is uping my protein intake, using CAT treatments (by REDKIN which is a protein spray) and taking a biotin pill daily. My hair has stopped falling out other than the norm that is.
As a cosmetologist myself I would not recommend that you go out and cut your hair off right now and what evr you do don't stress over it since we know that stress with cause your hair to fall out as well!
Eat protein, get trims, take biotin and you will be FINE!
Have fun

Thanks everyone for your reponses.
I have biotin, vitamins and Biolage/Matrix shampoo w/biotin and all that.
and I consume plenty of protein as a pre-op.
But Dr.Kligman said that those things aren't going to help much.
See, if I had thick hair it wouldn't bother me. But my hair is very fine and long.
If I see the hair loss is too much, then I may cover it up until it grows back.
Maybe I can find a wig that has long blonde wavy hair
Hair or not , I am still getting the surgery...

I found just recently that while my hair looked ok, considering the drastic hair loss, I needed a serious my hair is now cut short and I will let it grow back....hopefully healthy hair will replace that thin mess....I have never had thin hair....
so, now I have a short cut....
but it is so worth it as I slip into my size 10's...