i waited and waited
for my surgery ,i started this whole process on jan 11 when i had my first consult with kim steele.well now my surgery is tomorrow with micheal schweitzer .he seem very nice .i have to be at the hospital at 530 am.and now im getting nervous .not about the surgery i have had 5 other surgerys .BUT im just wondering will i be able to NOT eat? will they tell me how to take my meds? and crazy stuff like that ok just had to get that out lol see you all on the losers bench hagd :)
yea they did ,but im not sure justv what i will be takin when i come home from hosp lol but im sure they will tell me im just a bag of nerves today tryin to make sure everything is ready at home for my hubby,ten year old son and three year old grandaughter ,that we have custody of but imma be fine ,im gonna do this ttyl thank you :)
You will be fine. I was nervous about how things would go also but they explain everything to you. Make sure you have them write everything down for you. I swear I could not remember squat when I got home. Everyone at the hospital was very nice and they were good about answering my questions. Good luck to you.