What's everyone eating/drinking lately? And good, tried and true recipes?
B - Protein coffee
L - Fish filet
Kiddie fries
S - PB pretzels
D - Ham & cheese on double protein bread
S - Skim milk with Splenda
B - Pure Protein bar
L - Tuna salad with Triscuits
D - Something on the run!
All my fluids (1 gallon diet lemonade), and all my vits!
tried to do a pesto pork loin in the crockpot and although it was good, it wasn't the same as done in the oven. When cooked in the crockpot, the pork shreds. When cooked in the oven, it is still moist but can be cut into slices.
Pre-B - s/f white choc mocha
B - 1/2 greek yogurt/banana/vanilla protein shake
L - shredded pork and sweet potatoe
S - 1/2 greek yogurt/banana/vanilla protein shake
D - cottage cheese/greek yogurt/pineapple
80 oz. fluids, 90g protein, all my vits
Pre-B - s/f white choc mocha
B - greek yogurt/banana/vanilla protein shake
L - lobster roll (good but too much rice...UGH)
S - protein bar
D - not sure yet
Pre-B - s/f white choc mocha
B - 1/2 greek yogurt/banana/vanilla protein shake
L - shredded pork and sweet potatoe
S - 1/2 greek yogurt/banana/vanilla protein shake
D - cottage cheese/greek yogurt/pineapple
80 oz. fluids, 90g protein, all my vits
Pre-B - s/f white choc mocha
B - greek yogurt/banana/vanilla protein shake
L - lobster roll (good but too much rice...UGH)
S - protein bar
D - not sure yet