Need some workout clothes (size 24/26 or 3x)
Ok, so it's strike of the warped body image strikes again! Little by little I've purchased bigger clothes as my weight has gone up this past year or so, but I have not purchased work out clothes because well...I haven't been exercising....uh doy!
I joined a gym last week (woo hoo me, cuz that was hard - let me tell you) and I'm going today and I had on of my usual clothing crisis where I try on 8 zillion things only to find they don't fit or they look horrendous (not even fit for the gym, trust me) and I have on some of my lounging clothes but this is not going to cut it and it's only 1 outfit! I'll have to do some shopping this week but I thought I'd do a shout out to anyone who had some working out clothes (yoga pants, comfortable thin t-shirts, etc) that they have outgrown and are willing donate to me and I would pass on the good will once I work my way outta the upper 20's...
Also suggestions on where to buy some comfortable things that will last at least a month before the crotch splits open in protest...are appreciated.
I'm actually very intimidated to go to the gym right now. Most of the people at this gym are not as big as me. Oh well, I need to just work hard and keep my nose to the grindstone (or the treadmill) and visusalize...ahhhh...visualize myself thinner...oh that's nice!
Thanks all!
I joined a gym last week (woo hoo me, cuz that was hard - let me tell you) and I'm going today and I had on of my usual clothing crisis where I try on 8 zillion things only to find they don't fit or they look horrendous (not even fit for the gym, trust me) and I have on some of my lounging clothes but this is not going to cut it and it's only 1 outfit! I'll have to do some shopping this week but I thought I'd do a shout out to anyone who had some working out clothes (yoga pants, comfortable thin t-shirts, etc) that they have outgrown and are willing donate to me and I would pass on the good will once I work my way outta the upper 20's...
Also suggestions on where to buy some comfortable things that will last at least a month before the crotch splits open in protest...are appreciated.
I'm actually very intimidated to go to the gym right now. Most of the people at this gym are not as big as me. Oh well, I need to just work hard and keep my nose to the grindstone (or the treadmill) and visusalize...ahhhh...visualize myself thinner...oh that's nice!
Thanks all!
That's two Walmart suggestions so that settles it. I'll check it out. I didn't know they carried sizes that large. Learn sumpthin new every day.
Well my trip to the gym wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be and I actually enjoyed myself. My body feels like an overcooked noodle, but hey that's progress. I really like this club.
Thanks ladies!
Well my trip to the gym wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be and I actually enjoyed myself. My body feels like an overcooked noodle, but hey that's progress. I really like this club.
Thanks ladies!
I will check out Marshalls! Actually I used to love Marshalls but I started to feel I was growing out of their sizes after a while...I'lll revisit.
I joined the Big Vanilla in Pasadena. I love it. We did visit Sport Fit and it was also nice and they made us a good offer on membership, but in the end, the BV had more of what we were both looking for. If you ever want to come as my guest, I have some free passes. :) There's a water aerobics class! (pool)
I joined the Big Vanilla in Pasadena. I love it. We did visit Sport Fit and it was also nice and they made us a good offer on membership, but in the end, the BV had more of what we were both looking for. If you ever want to come as my guest, I have some free passes. :) There's a water aerobics class! (pool)
I wanted to tell you about old navy, I was in a 22/24 and some 26's and I bought the XXL yoga pants and even at my heaviest (326) I was able to get into all of the stretchy pants and most of their XXL tops that had any stretch to them. The exercise clothes their are comfy and cheap and they won't have any crotch blowouts! I got most workout pants/tops for under $10 sometimes cheaper if you look in their clearance section for XXL sizes. *It's the misses size XXL*
Matter of fact as I am changing sizes now I have been buying a few things here and there on the clearance rack at old navy. This past weekend I was about to get 7 summer tops all for about 16 bucks and some change. No too bad I think.
Let me go look thru my giveaway bag and I'll let you know if I have anything. I have been keeping a bag by my closet that as soon as I know something is too big I get rid of it.
Matter of fact as I am changing sizes now I have been buying a few things here and there on the clearance rack at old navy. This past weekend I was about to get 7 summer tops all for about 16 bucks and some change. No too bad I think.
Let me go look thru my giveaway bag and I'll let you know if I have anything. I have been keeping a bag by my closet that as soon as I know something is too big I get rid of it.