You Guys are Not Going to Believe This!
You may know that I am giving up carbs (or you may not), but today is my 3rd day without any bad carbs and I am in total withdraw symptom mode.
So, early this morning, my boss brings in 2 - 5lb heart shaped boxes of candy and sits them on the table outside of my office offering them to everyone (and one is DOVE chocolate)! I profess that I will not have any and I have not. (Eventhough, I've *****ed about it enough to certain people - sorry for the wrath of Lisa today~)
So I go out for "lunch" just so that I don't have to sit with other eating people and when I get back, I walk through the door and the same, sweet boss that thoughtfully brought in chocolate (my favorite thing in the world) this morning, says, "I just ordered pizza ~ please join us."
I politely beg off and say no thank you, but now there are about 8 people sitting 25 feet from my office door in our conference room eating PapaJohns!!!
OMG - I think I'm going to DIE today. If the good Lord above is testing my strength ~ he certainly has put a whipping on me today.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!