Today, I'm grateful for:
1. The USPS had some sense for once - My brother had to go in, but he's just filing mail and then will be home.
2. Dad bought me coffee yesterday from DD for today!!! LOL Can't live without my coffee!
3. My friends - Who constantly love, support and encourage me. And let's not forget all the fun and fodder for games!!
Have a great day everyone!
Morning sunshine!
So glad the USPS has some sense today. I hope that applies to Carroll county too!
Today I'm grateful for:
1. Chili. I found something high protein/fiber that sits well in my new belly. YAY!
2. That I'm still on short term disability this week and don't have to even think about going to work. :)
3. Pure Protein 35 gr protein shakes. I still have to choke them down like all the others, but at least I'm getting 35 g protein, instead of 20 something.
4. My friends and family who help provide entertainment via emails and phone calls and texts during the day. Keep me sane-ish.
5. My dogs. You probably get tired of hearing me say this, but I just love them more than words will ever express. They snuggle up to me and keep me warm at night. They've been my constant companions during my post op rehab. They make me laugh at how goofy they are. They tolerate EVERYTHING I can think of doing to them. They truly are (wo)man's best friend.
Hey gorgeous!
I'm so glad the chili likes you and that you can tolerate the PP shakes. I've tried them ALL, and they're about the best that I've found. I made a huge pot of chili last night, but I know no one else here will eat it because of the amount of beans I put in it! Oh, well!
Nope, NEVER tire of hearing about your love for your babies - cause you know I have the same love for mine!!!!
Stay safe up there!! See you in the spring!!!!
Today, I'm grateful...
1. For not needing to go out in the crap! Everything is closed, plowing is being suspended in some areas, and some roads are closed.
2. For power, internet, and cable! I pray that they all stay up, especially when the really heavy winds start blowing! I will settle for just power if I NEED to! LOL!
3. For all of my friends and family that sustain me and yes, as Angie said, keep me sane-ish.
Everyone stay safe out there!
I feel like I am back (NY) with all this snow!
Glad your brother is going home early.
Today I am gratefulf for:
1. My honey bunny he just keeps me smiling!
2. electric blanket, warm clothes and coffee.
3. I just have to make your number three my 3rd grateful.

Have a great day.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Today I am grateful for:
1} living on the E'Shore & neighbors with BIG GREEN TRACTORS!!!!!
2}owning a 4wheel drive vehicle! Even tho most major highways into PA are closed near us, Joe's trucking company has called him in! WTF?!?!?!?!?! Is there that much of a need for mushrooms during a frickin' blizzard?!?!?!?!?!?!
3} my furbabies too! Having a 150 lb. rottie lay on your frozen feet is nice!
Be safe everybody & stay warm!
Starting weight 301 Current weight 127
No Matter How I May Change, I Will Still Be ME!!!!