Today, I'm grateful for:
1. A newspaper!!!! We finally got one delivered!! I'm one of those old fashioned people who enjoys sitting down with a cup of coffee and the paper in the morning.
2. Curel handcream - My hands have become so raw from washing them so much, almost obsessively since I've been sick, and Curel makes them feel almost normal.
3. Kashi raspberry/chocolate chewy granola bars - YUM!!!!
Have a great day!
1. Family -- please keep my family in your prayers. My (and HammsinMD's) Dad is scheduled for triple bypass surgery tomorrow. (Yes, in the blizzard!) Hammy and I are heading to NoVa this morning to set up in a hotel close to the hospital, for fear we won't be able to make it out of Howard County on Weds if we waited to go.
2. Friends - the support I've felt from friends has been such a blessing.
3. Snow removal crews -- goes without saying at this point, right?

Keeping your dad & your entire family in my prayers! Best of luck to you all!
Starting weight 301 Current weight 127
No Matter How I May Change, I Will Still Be ME!!!!
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Morning all;
with this weather its hard to find things to be grateful for but I'll try
1. knowing that 3 years ago I would have been useless in the cleanup I helped with Sunday
2. That I did not break my leg/hip when I fell on the ice this morning!
3. that My friends and family have escaped mishap this storm , especially
that my niece Katy was not hurt during the skid out and slide into a ditch last night.
Picture on face book:
I am working from home today.
Kim sending prayers your way!
Darla, please be careful that you do not have any delayed reactions to your fall.
I am glad your niece is OK.
Tia - Hope you are continuing to feel better.
Today, I am grateful that....
1 - I can work at home, so that I don't have to deal with what will be coming later. Even though I can get out, many people are driving like nothing has happened, not taking into consideration that there is limited visibility around snow mounds or that not all lanes are open. I can't tell you how many times, I was almost crushed yesterday by people insisting on speeding around like normal. Please be safe everyone who is out there.
2 - That we managed to get Pilates in last night. With all this weather, it looks like we may get limited time at the gym this week. I really needed the stretching to help my muscles and joints recover from the weekend shoveling before I have to do it again.
3 - That I have been fortunate throughout this weather event. I have had power, My development helps with the dig out. So many folks have been much more severely impacted. So while I complain, I also recognize it could be so much worse.
Be safe everyone!
I am glad your Dad is taking you to Walmart. he definitely LOVES his baby girl! ;)
I love my Curel too. My hands have been through the ringer with washing it constantly after having everyone sick. Isaiah got another round of fever coughing a lot and Gino took him to the Doctor today and they diagnosed him with Bronchitis. My poor baby. sighh
I was feeling better from my cold but now I am having it all over again. Since yesterday my throat is hurting again and it is scratchy and I have a runny nose. ughhhh I can't wait for Spring to get here.
Today I am grateful:
1. That hubby is coming home to work from home. It is horrible out there.
2. for hot cocoa & coffee
3. for home made chicken soup and chili with cornbread. Yummo.
Have a great day and please be safe out there.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal