Quitting smoking... AGAIN

SO- I need your help! PLEASE! Im going nuts...
Hang tough! You can do this!! The first week is the hardest, right? Get yourself some s/f gum, hard candies, mints, whatever it takes.
Having had parents who smoked for years, and a father who STILL smokes despite multiple health issues, I applaud you for doing what you need to do to get healthy - for you and your daughter.
In a way, it's just like the decision to have wls - you have to do it in your own time. But, just as with wls, we'll be happy to help and support you.
Good luck,
Good luck ! My parents were both heavy smokers. Right now my Mom has been battling lung cancer and I think if she had stopped smoking she would not be in this position. My Father in Law stopped smoking after 30 years and he used hard candies and started a lollypop habit. I guess the pops were better than the smokes. I know you can do this. I have friends who did well with the Chantix. Wishing you the best.