WOW!!! The weekend swept in and out, didn't it? Sheesh!! Nothing like starting your work week exhausted!!!
Today, I'm grateful for:
1. The BEAUTIFUL snow on Saturday!! I was out running errands and doing stuff ALL day long, but thankfully, the traffic wasn't bad at all. I met Darla and Kathy - Darla got a new do that took 10 years off of her, and Kathy and I were able to have a nice lunch and get some shopping done.
2. That my Aunt's Christmas tea went off without a hitch! I worked my butt off for a solid 3 hours yesterday, and the women raved about the things I made. I even made the s/f pumpkin mousse, which was a hit, and no one had a clue it was s/f!
3. George made it safely to Mississippi for work, where he'll be for a week. Wah! But that'll give me time to get to Home Depot and pick up paint cards.
Today is Pearl Harbor Day, so please take a moment to remember and say prayer for the 2400 lives lost in Japan's secret attack on the U.S. on December 7, 1941. And, as always, say a prayer for those currently fighting for our freedom.
Have a great day!
Good morning T!
The snow was nice on Saturday...especially since I didn't have to be out in it. We decorated for Christmas!
Sorry to hear your honey is going to be gone for a week. Boo.
Darla - I can't wait to see your new haircut!!!!!
Today, I'm greatful for...
1. The scale appears to be moving again...yay!!
2. Bob's going away this weekend, so I'm having a girl's night with some friends I haven't seen in a while. Plus we scheduled a movie night on the 19th to watch Christmas movies with our friends.
3. My remote start is working again...no cold car this morning!
4. Family - my nephew is definitely coming home for Christmas! Yay!
Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed
Hey B!
Our Christmas decs are going up in stages - as Mom feels up to it, she does a little bit here and there. The only thing I really do is decorate the tree and bake cookies. Since they're retired, they can have at the rest of it!
Yeah, I'll miss him, but he'll be back on Friday and I've got a busy week, so I won't have much time to realize he's not actually here!
I'm looking forward to your movie nights after the new year! They sound like fun! You gotta promise to wear the hat for me, though!!! LOL!!!
My next car WILL have a remote starter!!!
So is this the nephew who just came home? And he gets to come home again for Christmas? Oh, joy!
Have a great day!

My next car will work! LOL...my remote start is nearly as old as the car and only works occasionally. I was darned happy it worked this morning, but there was a whole lot of praying to the remote start gods involved!
And yes, this is my nephew who was home over Thanksgiving. We weren't sure if he was going to be able to come back, but he is! YAY!
Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed
Today, I'm grateful for:
1. My part timer at JCPenneys - it'll help me get some gifts here and there for a very deserving hubby. Can't go wrong with a 20% discount, and Saturday was the last day for the Appreciation Sale, which was 15% off everything, so I managed to get him a Ravens hat with 35% off of the already reduced sale price of 40%.
2. I leave work early Wednesday, I'm off on Thursday - and according to my schedule at JCP, I'm not scheduled to go back there until Friday night; and I work Saturday from 12 to 7 so that gives me a Saturday night off in case we want to go out for dinner or just chill. So I'm having a pretty good week ahead of me, once I get through the final exam for my Int'l Business class tomorrow night (sweating bullets).
3. I had to get some pants that would fit - so Saturday morning, before class, I stopped in at Kmart. I took a big risk of getting a pair of jeans, size 12 P(petite not plus) - and after class let out, I went home to put them on, saying a few prayers - SQUEAL! They fit! LOL!
4. The SAH Reunion yesterday was fairly packed - Jerry got all uncomfortable - I think he was hungry because when we left out - he drove to Chick fila - naturally they are closed on Sundays, but I saved the day fixing breakfast items. The stories some told, including Cleopatric Nik and Tom were awe inspiring. :) But it was good to see a bunch of happy beautiful people there.
5. Saturday was our day for presenting topics about supply chain management. A guy went ahead before me and did the same topic I did, I was disappointed - I didn't want to bore the class, but then as he went through his presentation - it was very boring on his part, so I felt much better, and after class was over, I received a few compliments on my presentation, and how it was interesting. Tell me, what's so interesting about greening a supply chain? LOL
Have a great day everyone! I'll be peeking but need to study Chapters 5,6,7,8,9, 13 and 14 for my exam tomorrow night.
Hey Sorbi!!!
I'm glad to see your gig is helping you out - money is tight for everyone right now. Sigh. You may have a deserving hubby, but he's got a very hardworking wifey, and I hope he recognizes that!!
You'll do great - no sweaty bullets allowed!
Woo-hoo on the size 12!!!!
Your hard work toward completing your education and furthering yourself amazes and inspires me!!!!
Good Morning all
Today I am grateful for:
1. My new haircut. Everyone loves it but 2 people My Mom and my sister:
but I received lots of compliments on it Saturday and Yesterday from other people
2. Friends - as much as I hated running out after my haircut I did get to see
Kathy and Tia Saturday.
3. Ok - I'm about to reveal what I hinted at being excited about Friday:
My Niece and goddaughter became engaged Saturday. I am so happy for
her . My brother invited both families over so they could tell everyone at one time. It was so cute: everyones cell phones kept ringing while we were waiting at the
house for them to show up. She was trying to call everyone and tell them-little did she know : both sets of parents, three sets of grandparents,
an aunt ( me ) , his sister, her brother and sister , brother in law were waiting for them to show up. The expression on her face was priceless when she walked in and saw everyone.
So that was my weekend: hope everyone had a good one.