(deactivated member)
on 11/24/09 8:12 pm - Middle River, MD
Good morning!!!  Gack!  Rain again!!  Hasn't it already BEEN 40 days??????  I have really enjoyed being off these past couple of days, I've gotten a lot accomplished, which always makes me feel good.


1.  Time with friends - I had dinner last night with my hs bf.  She's what I call a low maintenance friend.  Even if we don't see or talk to each other for a while, we pick up like we just talked.  No pressure on either of us, we both understand that we have busy lives.

2.  Time with George - We get to spend some time together tonight.  Thank Dog!!  And...it looks like the house settlement will happen on the first.  I am SOOOO glad!!  He's been much less stressed lately and has made some positive comments about us as a couple, so I'm over the moon!

3.  Glittery nail polish!  Yeah, I know, crazy!!!  But I bought a really cool color that'll look perfect with my Christmas nail decals!!!!  LOL!!!  Oh, yeah, the day after Thanksgiving, I bring out the Christmas shirts, jewelry - you name it!!!!  TACK-Y!!  But I love it!!

I hope everyone has a great day!!!  And to my friends, thank you for being such!  Were it not for the miracle of wls, I might never have met most of you!  You brighten my life immeasurably and I honestly don't know how I lived without you!

Happy Thanksgiving, all!  Safe travels!!


Boxer Heather
on 11/24/09 9:19 pm - Grasonville, MD

Morning T!  Don't fall over and die...I had to drive Mike to work this morning, hence the early morning appearance!   I am sooo over this rain! 

Today, I'm grateful...

1.  For the birth of my newest nephew...Wesley Moore Steller, 9lbs 4 oz., 21 inches long.  I'm also thankful that my sister agreed to go to the hospital to be induced.  She was overdue and was set on having a home birth.  Obviously Wesley had other ideas!!  Thank God!

2.  That Mike's boss has given him a work truck to take home from now on.  This means no more paying for gas for the van...WOOT...we'll take a savings wherever we can get it.

3.  That I was able to start cooking yesterday.  I did a fruitful cranberry sauce (relish) from all fresh ingredients yesterday.  On to the dressing, sweet potatoes, and green beans today.  My back is limiting my time in the kitchen.

Have a great day, Thanksgiving, and drive safely if you have to be out and about,

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

Bernice G.
on 11/24/09 9:23 pm - Aberdeen, MD

Congrats on the new baby in the family!

Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed  


Boxer Heather
on 11/24/09 9:29 pm - Grasonville, MD
Thanks!! He's a cutie!!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

(deactivated member)
on 11/24/09 9:35 pm - Middle River, MD

Shocker!!!!!  Awwww, congrats on the new baby, he's a biggen!!!!  Phew!!  Not for me, thanks!!!

Take it easy on the back, you don't want to be in more pain for tomorrow.  Not that I think you COULD be in anymore pain!!  You poor ting!!!

I'm glad you don't have to go back and get Mike - thank Dog for the work truck!



Boxer Heather
on 11/24/09 10:03 pm - Grasonville, MD
Can you imagine trying to squeeze that out?  UGH!!!  Not for me either, but my sis is a good mommy!

Spent the evening on the heating pad with good meds.  Mike was upset because I've been doing too much...like cook, clean, grocery shop, but I HATE not being able to do things!!!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

Bernice G.
on 11/24/09 9:22 pm - Aberdeen, MD

Good morning sweetie...glad you got to spend some time with those special to you.

I can't believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving already.  Holy cow where in the world has this year gone???  Just speeds by now.  My youngest step-daughter and my middle step-daughter are spending Thanksgiving together in Buffalo (that's where middle daughter lives) so we made sure they arrived safely last night.  They are carrying precious cargo, my youngest grandbaby.

I'm sick of the rain...it can go away anytime.

So, here we go...

1.  I'm thankful for my family and friends.  I've been following the blog of an old college friend and his wife lately - his wife was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in July and things are starting to go downhill very fast.  Reading their struggles have been heart wrenching to me - I can not imagine being our age and losing my best friend in the world.  Reading Drew and Donna's story makes me want to hug my family closer.

2.  Sparkpeople!  I've been a member FOREVER but just remembered I had an account there.  I wasn't sure how WLS friendly they were, but I'm using it to track my food (I find it the easiest of all the other programs I've tried) and my exercise.

3.  My fireplace...this day just screams for it, doesn't it?

If I don't get back on today or tomorrow, have a lovely holiday!

Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed  


(deactivated member)
on 11/24/09 9:37 pm - Middle River, MD
Morning B!!!

I'm glad your family arrived safely - when mine is travelling, I just CANNOT rest easy until I know everyone is safe and sound.

God, cancer is such an insidious disease - touching the family and friends as well as the patient.  Hugs to you and your friends.

Oh, yeah, a fireplace would be heavenly today!!!  Sadly, the only thing we have that remotely resembles a fireplace is a portable heater!!!  LOL!!!  Happy spends her days in the basement, laying in front of it!!!

I hope you and Bob have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!  I'm so glad you're in my life, and I look forward to spending some time with you soon!


Bernice G.
on 11/24/09 11:15 pm - Aberdeen, MD

 I hate it when my kids travel...worries me until I know they are there, safe and sound.  Especially when my grandbabies are travelling!

 I agree on the cancer.  I've seen too much of it, and its particularly hard to watch a loved one go through it.  Both of my sisters and my father have had cancer...only my middle sister won her battle.  It is so sad watching Drew and Donna go through this...they have a 10 year old and they've just now told him Mommy isn't going to get better.

We LOVE our fireplace.  The dog sits with her but about two feet away from it and the cat lays right on the hearth...LOL...warm happy furbabies.  Warm happy Mommy too.   


Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed  


Boxer Heather
on 11/24/09 9:39 pm - Grasonville, MD

So sorry to hear about your friend's wife!  I'll keep them in my prayers!  So sad!


    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

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