What are your Thanksgiving Weekend Plans?
Hey Nicole - have a wonderful holiday with your family!
Tomorrow Bob and I are spending a quiet day here at home. I'm still on mushies so, yeah...
Friday, Bob is heading to our place in VA with some buddies to hunt for the weekend, which means we'll end up (hopefully) with some venison for the winter...yum. I'm going to load up the Sadertater in the car and head up to my Mom's for the day. I'm taking her over to the farmer's market and then I need to get my Christmas cards, so I can start getting them addressed.
Saturday, I'm going to clean my house. I finally feel good enough to do it, and Bob will be away, so I can sneak some crap into the trash...LOL. My good girlfriend is coming over Saturday night (her boyfriend is going with Bob to VA) to do some crafting.
Sunday is football day. Go Iggles!
Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed
Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed
If we were doing the holdays with my family it would be far from quiet...but we're staying home this year because of surgery. I'll try the holidays next year.
And I'm feeling good! Thanks for asking!
Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed
I will spend time with my Mom at the nursing home and I will take her dinner there. She can only be out for 4 hours and it is not much time to have her over and then get her back. Medicare has some crazy rules. I will try to clean the house as well and just relax with my family. This is a bad time of year for me since all of my family passed away in Nov and Dec.. It is hard to have spirit when there are so many sad memories and pain. I will try to do my best and stay positive. I feel better when I stay busy. So that is all for my holiday. I hope each of you have a great holiday and remember be kind to one another. Thanks for supporting and encouraging me. Happy Thanksgiving.