In The Emergency Room Last Night
Bare will me because I'm feeling very yucky and very eh today! I have a feeling this post will be full of venting, but you all know me by now
But I'll try to get to the point.
Last night around 7:30 I was driving and starting to get a really sharp band around my band site and under my breast. I could not take a deep breath. I immediately thought whats with my band and tried to sip water- it went down fine. I was headed to the store for groceries and thought well maybe it's just gas and I will walk around the store. I got in the store and the pain intensified where I started sweating and got naseous and heart racing. I grabbed a bag from the produce section and left my cart and went in the car and started dry heaving. I blasted the air so I could try to calm down but the pain was so bad.
I called my surgeron and the PA stayed on the phone with me until I got home. She advised me to take anti-nasuea meds and try to sip some liquids to make sure it stayed down which it did. She told me to call back if it didn't stop. I tried taking a hot shower and sipping some warm liquids and it subsided for a bit but then it started to come back again. I call the office back and she said she didn't think it was my band but that quite possibly my gallbladder and if it continued go to the ER. SIGH!
Well after 4 hours of up and down pain and episodes of the heeves and sweating, I drove myself to the ER at about 11:30pm. Before going I looked up gallbladder stuff and new that is what it had to be. It can be caused by rapid weight loss and in the summer of 2008 I had a similar incident which also put me in the ER. So I put two and two together and decided to go.
I got in right away - thank the lord. I am so banged up in my arms from trying to get an IV in me. I got poked and jabbed 3 times before it went in and my arms are such a mess and so sore. They gave me a bunch of IV meds for pain, nausea, acid etc and I was feeling good right away.
Nothing prominent came back on my ultrasound so they let me rest with meds in me and then let me go home. They could not determine if i had passes a stone but there were no other stones. It could have just been a gall bladder attack/contraction with spams. All I know is it is the worst pain EVER.
Surprisingly I drove home and felt better than when I drove there. I'm back on some antacids and pain meds. I got some rest but really feel like I could use more. I am at work for now only because I had to complete things before the holiday
I am tired, exhausted, and honestly very sad today. Made me realize that I honestly have no one to call in an emergency. My so called friends are still never there for me and my family is miles and miles away. The last time I was in the ER I was alone and this time just brought me crappy memories. I called my brother who wasn't going to wake my parents unless it was something major. Thankfully it was nothing where they needed to take it out right away.
I'm not trying to be a big baby or ask for attention of any kind but even the alcoholic guy wanting detox in the bed next to me had someone there and the drunk that called an ambulance from a payphone had the cops keeping him company haha. It's very hard not having family around, being single, and have **** for people you can depend on. I struggle with this alot.
I do try to make friends and ad people to my life of value because I know the person I am or would be if they needed me but I also don't want to burden anyone. I live almost like well if I can't do it myself it's just not happening - that includes emergencies!
So from here my surgeron is going to review the labs and the films and see what might be the next step. With further weightloss I might be headed down the road of gall bladder surgery - just what I want right about now but I certainly don't want to be making routine trips to the ER alone.
I feel like it's always something and just hope for a break - a lull period where I can focus on progress and not be tripping all the way down the path.
I am very bummed now with all this happening before Thanksgiving. Not that I was doing anything major but I was going to make a nice limited meal and just relax and try not to be melancholy spending Thanksgiving like every other day. For reason I discussed before I won't be visiting my family. Part of me thinks I should not even worry about tradition and take the day for me to rest and relax which I might just do.
I have an appt Wed to get my checked and hope I get through that no issues - not sure I can handle that right now.
I don't mean to rain on anyone's excitement of the holiday with friends and family etc. I just needed to get off my mind my most recent "goings on" along with my thoughts and feelings.
I hope I can bounce back from this sooner than later.....

Last night around 7:30 I was driving and starting to get a really sharp band around my band site and under my breast. I could not take a deep breath. I immediately thought whats with my band and tried to sip water- it went down fine. I was headed to the store for groceries and thought well maybe it's just gas and I will walk around the store. I got in the store and the pain intensified where I started sweating and got naseous and heart racing. I grabbed a bag from the produce section and left my cart and went in the car and started dry heaving. I blasted the air so I could try to calm down but the pain was so bad.
I called my surgeron and the PA stayed on the phone with me until I got home. She advised me to take anti-nasuea meds and try to sip some liquids to make sure it stayed down which it did. She told me to call back if it didn't stop. I tried taking a hot shower and sipping some warm liquids and it subsided for a bit but then it started to come back again. I call the office back and she said she didn't think it was my band but that quite possibly my gallbladder and if it continued go to the ER. SIGH!
Well after 4 hours of up and down pain and episodes of the heeves and sweating, I drove myself to the ER at about 11:30pm. Before going I looked up gallbladder stuff and new that is what it had to be. It can be caused by rapid weight loss and in the summer of 2008 I had a similar incident which also put me in the ER. So I put two and two together and decided to go.
I got in right away - thank the lord. I am so banged up in my arms from trying to get an IV in me. I got poked and jabbed 3 times before it went in and my arms are such a mess and so sore. They gave me a bunch of IV meds for pain, nausea, acid etc and I was feeling good right away.
Nothing prominent came back on my ultrasound so they let me rest with meds in me and then let me go home. They could not determine if i had passes a stone but there were no other stones. It could have just been a gall bladder attack/contraction with spams. All I know is it is the worst pain EVER.
Surprisingly I drove home and felt better than when I drove there. I'm back on some antacids and pain meds. I got some rest but really feel like I could use more. I am at work for now only because I had to complete things before the holiday

I am tired, exhausted, and honestly very sad today. Made me realize that I honestly have no one to call in an emergency. My so called friends are still never there for me and my family is miles and miles away. The last time I was in the ER I was alone and this time just brought me crappy memories. I called my brother who wasn't going to wake my parents unless it was something major. Thankfully it was nothing where they needed to take it out right away.
I'm not trying to be a big baby or ask for attention of any kind but even the alcoholic guy wanting detox in the bed next to me had someone there and the drunk that called an ambulance from a payphone had the cops keeping him company haha. It's very hard not having family around, being single, and have **** for people you can depend on. I struggle with this alot.

So from here my surgeron is going to review the labs and the films and see what might be the next step. With further weightloss I might be headed down the road of gall bladder surgery - just what I want right about now but I certainly don't want to be making routine trips to the ER alone.
I feel like it's always something and just hope for a break - a lull period where I can focus on progress and not be tripping all the way down the path.
I am very bummed now with all this happening before Thanksgiving. Not that I was doing anything major but I was going to make a nice limited meal and just relax and try not to be melancholy spending Thanksgiving like every other day. For reason I discussed before I won't be visiting my family. Part of me thinks I should not even worry about tradition and take the day for me to rest and relax which I might just do.
I have an appt Wed to get my checked and hope I get through that no issues - not sure I can handle that right now.
I don't mean to rain on anyone's excitement of the holiday with friends and family etc. I just needed to get off my mind my most recent "goings on" along with my thoughts and feelings.
I hope I can bounce back from this sooner than later.....
Thanks girl I was going to call you this am when I went to work late but I didnt know if you could pick up at work. I have other "news" to report to you too. Let's just say about the other over it - especially after this. When things happen you just get a wake up call to make your own rules, you know what i mean!
Nikki, I am so sorry and I do understand what it is like to be alone in the ER. I live in Crofton but I am more than willing to pm you my phone numbers and you can call me anytime. I am unsure how far you live from me but I will help and support you all I can. I hope this helps and I hope you feel better soon. Glad you went to the ER.