What's everyone eating? I'm in the mood for soup today, so I'm hitting the local deli - they have the BEST soups!
B - Protein coffee
Pure Protein bar
NOTE: Greek yogurt does NOT freeze well. Mine got pushed to the back of the fridge
and it froze and was yuck!
L - Salad with mixed greens, olives, onions, cukes, tomatoes and krab
D - Two slices of cheese pizza
S - 3 chocolate chip cookies
B - Protein coffee
Greek yogurt with granola
L - Soup
D - Out at Cheesecake Factory
All my fluids, all my vits!
BTW, be very jealous of Boxer Heather - she had pizza and gelati yesterday in Rome!!! Lucky girl!
Okay here goes
B - Coffee
L - cocoa almonds
D - leftover stuffed oysters from G & M Restaurant
Dessert - banana nut cheerios w/ skim milk
B - coffee
L - forgot my lunch but have the nuts here
D - chicken nuggets on way to class
Dessert - banana nut cheerios w/ skim milk if I get in early enough from class.
I am already jealous of Boxer - don't rub it in!