Hard boiled egg anyone?
Title: Hard-Boiled Egg
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Serving Size | |
Amount per serving | |
Calories 70 | Calories from Fat 40 |
Hide Daily Values | % Daily Value* |
Total Fat 4.5g | 7% | |
Saturated Fat 1.5g | 8% | |
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.5g | ||
Monounsaturated Fat 2g | ||
Cholesterol 215mg | 72% | |
Sodium 65mg | 3% | |
Total Carbohydrates 1g | 0% | |
Protein 6g | ||
Vitamin A | 6% | Vitamin C | 0% |
Calcium | 2% | Iron | 4% |
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. |
High in nutrients-- they are a a very good source of selenium, iodine, and vitamin B2 and a goodsource of protein, molybdenum, phosphorous, vitamin B5, vitamin B12 andvitamin D.They are a good food for weight loss as well. If you are looking for free support to lose weight, click here.
"Eggs are a good source of low-cost high-quality protein, providing 5.5-6 grams of protein (11.1% of the daily value for protein) in one eggfor a caloric cost of only 68 calories. The structure of humans andanimals is built on protein. We rely on animal and vegetable protein for our supply of amino acids, and then our bodies rearrange the nitrogen to create the pattern of amino acids we require.
Another health benefit of eggs is their contribution to the diet as a source of choline.Although our bodies can produce some choline, we cannot make enough to make up for an inadequate supply in our diets, and choline deficiencycan also cause deficiency of another B vitamin critically important forhealth, folic acid.
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted astudy to see what would happen if human subjects received a diet low incholine and folate. Male and female volunteers ate low-choline,low-folate meals that provided as little as 13% of the recommendeddaily allowance of folate. No severe choline or folate deficienciesoccurred during the study, but blood levels of choline decreased anaverage of 25-28% in men and women during the low-choline, low-folateregimes. Levels returned to at least normal when researchers providedmore of these important B vitamins to the people in the tests.
Choline is definitely a nutrient needed in good supply for goodhealth. Choline is a key component of many fat-containing structures incell membranes, whose flexibility and integrity depend on adequatesupplies of choline. Two fat-like molecules in the brain, phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin,account for an unusually high percentage of the brain's total mass, socholine is particularly important for brain function and health.
In addition, choline is a highly important molecule in a cellular process called methylation.Many important chemical events in the body are made possible bymethylation, in which methyl groups are transferred from one place toanother. For example, genes in the body can be switched on or turnedoff in this way, and cells use methylation to send messages back andforth. Choline, which contains three methyl groups, is highly active inthis process.
Choline is also a key component of acetylcholine. Aneurotrasmitter that carries messages from and to nerves, acetylcholineis the body's primary chemical means of sending messages between nervesand muscles.
One large egg provides 300 micrograms of choline (all in theyolk), and also contains 315 milligrams (yes, milligrams notmicrograms) of phosphatidylcholine. Although most sources justreport the free choline at 300 micrograms, it is thephosphatidylcholine that is the most common form in which choline isincorporated into cell membrane phospholipids.
In addition to its significant effects on brain function and the nervous system, choline also has an impact on cardiovascular healthsince it is one of the B vitamins that helps convert homocysteine,a molecule that can damage blood vessels, into other benign substances.Eggs are also a good source of vitamin B12, another B vitamin that isof major importance in the process of converting homocysteine into safemolecules.Eggs are high in cholesterol, and health experts in the past counseledpeople to therefore avoid this food. (All of the cholesterol in the eggis in the yolk.) However, nutrition experts have now determined peopleon a low-fat diet can eat one or two eggs a day without measurablechanges in their blood cholesterol levels. This information issupported by a statistical analysis of 224 dietary studies carried outover the past 25 years that investigated the relationship between dietand blood cholesterol levels in over 8,000 subjects. What investigatorsin this study found was that saturated fat in the diet, not dietarycholesterol, is what influences blood cholesterol levels the most.
Improve Your Cholesterol Profile Not only have studies shown that eggs do not significantly affectcholesterol levels in most individuals, but the latest researchsuggests that eating whole eggs may actually result in significantimprovement in one's blood lipids (cholesterol) profile—even in personswhose cholesterol levels rise when eating cholesterol-rich foods. In northern Mexico, an area in which the diet contains a highamount of fat because of its reliance on low-cost meat products andtortillas made with hydrogenated oils, coronary artery disease iscommon. In a study published in the October 2004 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,researchers evaluated the effects of daily consumption of whole eggs onthe ratio of LDL (bad) cholesterol to HDL (good) cholesterol, andphenotype (the way an individual's genetic possibilities are actuallyexpressed) in 54 children (8-12 years old) from this region.A month of eating 2 eggs daily, not only did not worsen the children'sratio of LDL:HDL, which remained the same, but the size of their LDLcholesterol increased—a very beneficial change since larger LDL is muchless atherogenic (likely to promote atherosclerosis) than the smallerLDL subfractions. Among children who originally had the high risk LDLphenotype B, 15% shifted to the low-risk LDL phenotype A after just onemonth of eating whole eggs. Helping to Prevent Blood Clots Protection against Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Cataracts Lutein, a carotenoid thought to help prevent age-related maculardegeneration and cataracts, may be found in even higher amounts in eggsthan in green vegetables such as spinach, which have been consideredits major dietary sources, as well as in supplements. Researchpresented at the annual American Dietetic Association Conference in SanAntonio, Texas, October 26, 2003, by Elizabeth Johnson from the JeanMayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts Universityalso showed that natural lutein esters found in eggs are as or evenmore bioavailable as the forms of the nutrient offered in purifiedlutein products.Johnson's trial tested serum lutein concentration in 10 healthy men,before and after daily consumption of 6mg lutein obtained from fourdifferent sources : eggs from chickens fed marigold petals (which arehigh in lutein), spinach (one of the best known sources of dietarylutein), lutein ester supplements (purified lutein) and luteinsupplements. Differences in serum lutein levels in response to thevarious types of doses were observed the day after the first dose: theserum lutein response to egg was significantly greater than thesupplements but no higher than the response to the spinach. After ninedays of daily lutein dosing, the serum lutein response wassignificantly greater in the egg phase than either of the supplementsor the spinach. The bottom line: this study suggests that eatinglutein-rich foods may be a more effective means of boosting luteinconcentration in the eye than taking supplements. Additional research, another human study published in the August 2004 issue of the Journal of Nutrition,confirms that lutein is best absorbed from egg yolk—not luteinsupplements or even spinach. Egg yolks, although they containsignificantly les****ein than spinach, are a much more bioavailablesource whose consumption increase****ein concentrations in the bloodmany-fold higher than spinach. Although the mechanism by which egg yolk increase****einbioavailability is not yet known, it is likely due to the fats(cholesterol and choline) found in egg yolk. Lutein, like othercarotenoids, is fat-soluble, so cannot be absorbed unless fat is alsopresent.To maximally boost your lutein absorption, we suggest combining botheggs and spinach. Whether you prefer your spinach steamed, sautéed orfresh in spinach salad, dress it with a little olive oil and a toppingof chopped hard-boiled egg. For a flavorful, quick and easy recipefeaturing eggs and spinach, try our Yet another reason to enjoy eggs: a peptide (protein building block) found in egg white binds to the food-borne pathogen, E. coli O157:H7, thus preventing infection, according to Japanese research published in the September 2004 issue of the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.Egg white's ability to protect against E. coliO157:H7 is especially welcome since drug resistant strains of this (andother) bacteria have arisen from the overuse of antibiotics. Theprotein, hen egg ovomucin, was tested against a variety of food bornepathogens and was found to bind exclusively to E. coli O157:H7, so the food industry will also be able to use it to detect the dangerous bacterium in foods. Recent Study Shows Protection against Breast Cancer Breast cancer incidence rates more than double in Chinese women asthey migrate from China to Hong Kong to the United States, and severaldietary factors, which differ between the United States and the Chinesepopulation, including intake of soy, meat, and fruits and vegetables,have been suggested to affect breast cancer risk. A study of 378 women with breast cancer and 1,070 age-matched controls, which was published in the January 2005 issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, found two dietary choices that were strongly protective against the disease: Women consuming the most fruit and vegetables—3.8 or moreservings each day—had a 52% lower risk of breast cancer compared towomen eating 2.3 or fewer servings of fruits and vegetables daily.Eating eggs—at least 6 eggs a week—was also highly protective, loweringrisk of breast cancer by 44% compared to women consuming only 2 eggs aweek.Protection against the Food-Borne Pathogen, E. coli
Our food ranking system also qualified eggs as an excellentsource of vitamin K, a very good source of selenium, iodine, andvitamin B2 and a good source of protein, molybdenum, phosphorous,vitamin B5 and vitamin D."
Our food ranking system also qualified eggs as an excellent sourceof vitamin K, a very good source of selenium, iodine, and vitamin B2and a good source of
protein, molybdenum, phosphorous, vitamin B5,vitamin B12 and vitamin D.