Let's Be Honest....
OK...I haven't been on the boards in a lifetime or two so it's been awhile catching up etc....here's something to think about and maybe if we are all honest we can hold ourselves accountable and do what needs to be done. Your WLS Tool can only do so much on it's own and after the 'honeymoon period' if you haven't made major lifestyle changes it is much harder to maintain and lose if you gain a few.
How much do you exercise????
Do you carve out at least 15 minutes a day to do some exercise of some sort????
Do you take the stairs instead of the elevator? Park further away from the stores?
Take your dog or go with family or a friend for a long walk around the neighborhood? Go to your local gym and take a class or jump on the treadmill, bike or elliptical?
There are so many simple things you can do daily that are free and don't even seem like exercise but actually are. Every physical activity burns calories, fat, etc. The more you do the better off you are in the long run and pretty soon 15 minutes turns into half hour...45 minutes and so on. Eventually it becomes a new GOOD habit and replaces an old bad one or two.
Also...how truly accurate is your recollection of your daily food intake???
A few months ago I started to keep a food journal. Two of them in fact. One is a small spiral notebook I keep with me at all times and the other is on www.livestrong.com (The Daily Plate) Once I started doing that I really SAW what I was doing and exactly how much of everything I was taking in. It was an eye-opener and some little things I had let slip back in I hadn't even realized until I saw it in black and white. The Daily Plate is free and a great way to track calories, fat, protein, exercise, etc. It gives you a complete breakdown of everything and you can compare weekly and monthly tracking your ups and downs. I had THOUGHT I knew how I was eating but it surprised me and it's now something I depend on to help keep me in line. As a side note...once I started doing that I lost eight pounds!
Everyone has a free fifteen.....what are you going to do with yours?
How much do you exercise????
Do you carve out at least 15 minutes a day to do some exercise of some sort????
Do you take the stairs instead of the elevator? Park further away from the stores?
Take your dog or go with family or a friend for a long walk around the neighborhood? Go to your local gym and take a class or jump on the treadmill, bike or elliptical?
There are so many simple things you can do daily that are free and don't even seem like exercise but actually are. Every physical activity burns calories, fat, etc. The more you do the better off you are in the long run and pretty soon 15 minutes turns into half hour...45 minutes and so on. Eventually it becomes a new GOOD habit and replaces an old bad one or two.
Also...how truly accurate is your recollection of your daily food intake???
A few months ago I started to keep a food journal. Two of them in fact. One is a small spiral notebook I keep with me at all times and the other is on www.livestrong.com (The Daily Plate) Once I started doing that I really SAW what I was doing and exactly how much of everything I was taking in. It was an eye-opener and some little things I had let slip back in I hadn't even realized until I saw it in black and white. The Daily Plate is free and a great way to track calories, fat, protein, exercise, etc. It gives you a complete breakdown of everything and you can compare weekly and monthly tracking your ups and downs. I had THOUGHT I knew how I was eating but it surprised me and it's now something I depend on to help keep me in line. As a side note...once I started doing that I lost eight pounds!
Everyone has a free fifteen.....what are you going to do with yours?
Exercise? Yeah, I SERIOUSLY need to get back into that. For the most part, my eating habits HAVE changed - I eat better and obviously, less now, and since wls, have so much going on in my life that there's little time to sit around and eat out of sheer boredom. I've no doubt that if I exercised, I wouldn't have to kill myself QUITE so much to lose some more weight.
For the first 9 months post-op, I was the ultimate gym rat. Then, life took over, I had some female issues that led to exhaustive anemia and forced me out of the gym for several months, and then I just allowed it to continue and never went back.
I SO need to do this!!!
Thanks for the reminder!
For the first 9 months post-op, I was the ultimate gym rat. Then, life took over, I had some female issues that led to exhaustive anemia and forced me out of the gym for several months, and then I just allowed it to continue and never went back.
I SO need to do this!!!
Thanks for the reminder!
It's real easy to get out of the good habits and go back to the bad ones. Why? Because they are bad and we all like to be bad occasionally! LOL Nah, it's just easier sometimes to go back to doing what you had done for YEARS instead of just MONTHS. It's almost ingrained in our behavior. I had two setbacks after my LBL and that didn't help in getting me back to where I had been then I got comfortable. Now I'm fighting migraines & cluster headaches AND a neurologist who told me NO weight training, NO running, NO classes...but YES to walking until after my next appointment and we review the MRI. So I'm walking. It's SOMETHING and that way I'm trying to not fall too far backwards. WLS (ANY type) alone is no guarantee you will not fail at weightloss. You CAN trick your pouch, sleeve or band and we all do it. It's that 'wanting to feel human' again feeling. We get to a point after losing a lot of weight where we feel so good, look great and have a full busy life that exercise winds up taking a back seat. Like Nike says Just DO it!

Hi Julie,
Going into a gym can be so hard so I understand where you are coming from. I have had a few memberships over the years to different gyms and the only time I ever set foot in there was when I signed up! Even now....the gym I belong to the first time I went to actually work out I almost turned around in the parking lot and left! At any size that first step is a killer...I had become so used to one-on-one personal training in a private setting that at first the whole gym environment intimated me. Then I realized they were there to work out same as me and now I could care less. The water aerobics would be a great start or even walking around your neighborhood...exercise does not have to equal gym. I know Riva Swim Center does classes. Something good for wintertime when it's too cold to walk. Just take it one step at a time and know that there are a lot of people that have been where you are and know what you are going through.
Thanks for the kind words. :-) I've been dealing with these headaches a long time now so hoping that a solution is coming soon! Take care and hang in there! You can do anything you put your mind to!
Going into a gym can be so hard so I understand where you are coming from. I have had a few memberships over the years to different gyms and the only time I ever set foot in there was when I signed up! Even now....the gym I belong to the first time I went to actually work out I almost turned around in the parking lot and left! At any size that first step is a killer...I had become so used to one-on-one personal training in a private setting that at first the whole gym environment intimated me. Then I realized they were there to work out same as me and now I could care less. The water aerobics would be a great start or even walking around your neighborhood...exercise does not have to equal gym. I know Riva Swim Center does classes. Something good for wintertime when it's too cold to walk. Just take it one step at a time and know that there are a lot of people that have been where you are and know what you are going through.
Thanks for the kind words. :-) I've been dealing with these headaches a long time now so hoping that a solution is coming soon! Take care and hang in there! You can do anything you put your mind to!