Crofton Support group Tonight
Just a reminder about Support Group tonight
Crofton Library
1681 Reidel Road
Crofton, MD 21114
6-7:30 p.m.
I hope you all can make it!!!!! EVERYONE IS INVITED
We will talk about Surviving the holidays and also last year we found a local family that needed help last christmas, We had so many gifts for them and the kids (We also got them a Turkey and fixin's for Thanksgiving) They had a house fire and had lost everything. I would love to help another Family this year so we are going to talk about that tonight also
Have a great Day Everyone
Crofton Library
1681 Reidel Road
Crofton, MD 21114
6-7:30 p.m.
I hope you all can make it!!!!! EVERYONE IS INVITED
We will talk about Surviving the holidays and also last year we found a local family that needed help last christmas, We had so many gifts for them and the kids (We also got them a Turkey and fixin's for Thanksgiving) They had a house fire and had lost everything. I would love to help another Family this year so we are going to talk about that tonight also
Have a great Day Everyone
I need to go to another support group meeting for my surgeon, but the ones at Bayview are at 5pm, and that just does not work for me with my job. I've been trying to avoid taking off a lot of time for appointments and stuff since I am going to have to take off for surgery (and two days at the end of this week to have my wisdom teeth out, ugh). I wonder if she'd accept me attending this one?
I am thinking I might try to make it tonight, but it's going to be cutting it close, leaving Hunt Valley at 5 and getting to Crofton at 6. Is it okay if I am a few minutes late? Long-term, I am thinking that the Crofton group is going to work better for me post-op than the one at Bayview.
I am thinking I might try to make it tonight, but it's going to be cutting it close, leaving Hunt Valley at 5 and getting to Crofton at 6. Is it okay if I am a few minutes late? Long-term, I am thinking that the Crofton group is going to work better for me post-op than the one at Bayview.
That is one Reason I started this group! The times did not work out for me at Bayview. Ofcourse if you are late that is fine. Wee members that come late and some that have to leave early so anytime!!!
I dont think they would count this since is not run by the hospital but it does not hurt to ask, Support is support so hopefully they will count this for you.
I dont think they would count this since is not run by the hospital but it does not hurt to ask, Support is support so hopefully they will count this for you.
Yeah, it's okay if they don't count it. I will just have to plan to take off an hour early some Thursday coming up. I will still probably come to the Crofton group in the long-term though, because of the time.
I am going to try to make it tonight. It will ultimately come down to how bad the traffic is when I check right before I leave. As long as it doesn't look like it's going to take me 2 hours to get there, I should be there. How many people do you typically have?
I am going to try to make it tonight. It will ultimately come down to how bad the traffic is when I check right before I leave. As long as it doesn't look like it's going to take me 2 hours to get there, I should be there. How many people do you typically have?
We meet once a month! Same time but sometimes different nights. I hope you can make it tonight. It differs every meeting. Sometimes there are 5 and sometimes 15. Everybody has busy schedules and comes when they can make it, We used to do 2 x's a month but that got to be to much for me personally, If the need arrives I would be open to it again if I had some help incase i could not make it. Julie and other's have always expressed to me If I needed help to let them know so maybe I can do that for next year!!!!!
This really sucks because I had my heart set on coming to this meeting tonight, however I started a part time gig for the holidays ( for the WLS and gifts) and they have me in training this evening from 6-10:30. I really wanted to come. I told them I couldn't do Monday's, but this is supposed to be the only one I'll have to work.
Hopefully I'll make next months, and have a surgery date. I'm keeping my fingers crossed
You guys have fun tonight!
Hopefully I'll make next months, and have a surgery date. I'm keeping my fingers crossed

You guys have fun tonight!