Boxer Heather
on 10/29/09 12:58 am - Grasonville, MD
Jeff- fa-fa DuuuuuHaaam....dot coooommmmmm..

Love him!!!  And as T says...he's HAWT too!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

(deactivated member)
on 10/29/09 1:12 am - Middle River, MD
Especially with the scruffy beard!!!  *swoon!*
Boxer Heather
on 10/29/09 1:19 am - Grasonville, MD
Meh...you can keep the beard!  A goatee...YES!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

on 10/29/09 12:20 am - crofton, MD
Tia, I did not know Mike but I am all to familiar with suicide. The pain seems to linger on. I am sorry to you his friends and family. What a tragedy. May he RIP. Congrats to K that is so special and she is so lucky to be able to achieve these wonderful things. I hope Dec. will come soon so you can spend time with George.

Darla, My son would always tell me bowling is for fun no matter how many gutter balls he threw or how many strikes he made. A Halloween party sounds like fun andI hope you  have a good time.

Candy, You are an inspiration to me you seem to never back down from your goals. I think this is wonderful. Congrats on the 2ND Anniversary may you all share many more. Good luck with the housing thing I hope it works in your favor. I am glad you are excited about the Masters program. Your new avatar is great. I can't remember if I told you already.

Bernice, It is great to have the house to yourself sometimes. Friends are wonderful to have. Your decision is yours always remember that.

3 Things..

1) Payday Friday yea. I can't wait.

2) Mom is still fighting in the hospital and I am praying she will be home for Thanksgiving & Christmas.

3) Camping this weekend and Halloween..

Have a good day all of you.


Boxer Heather
on 10/29/09 1:10 am - Grasonville, MD
Continued prayers for your Mom Julie!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

on 10/29/09 5:39 am - crofton, MD
Thanks so much for prayers. It means so much to have any thoughts or prayers we can get.

(deactivated member)
on 10/29/09 1:13 am - Middle River, MD

Thank you, Julie!

I'm glad to hear your Mom's a fighter - I know you've inherited her strength.

Have a great weekend camping!!!  No going off in the woods alone to pee, okay????




Boxer Heather
on 10/29/09 1:08 am - Grasonville, MD
So glad to see you today T!  I know this comes as no surprise to you that some people are completely ignorant!  I've never in my life see such a display of it as I have in the past few days!  YES, we know that it is a selfish act, but to condemn someone whom you don't really know and whose mind you are not inside of, is ludicris and downright evil! As I've said before, I cannot begin to imagine the kind of pain that someone must be in to do something like that and while how it went down is infinitely horrible, the demons that he must have been living with are clearly unimagineable!  God rest his soul and those whom he left behind!!

Congrats to K!  How wonderful!

Today, I'm grateful...

1.  To have such good friends that got me through this damn trip to the rainy and cold Pacific Northwest!  It doesn't compare to what others are going through, but suffice it to say the peace I will feel when that plane takes off will be SWEEET!

2.  In less than 24 hours I will be HOME!!!

3.  No worky tomorrow...'nuff said!!

Have a good day all!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

(deactivated member)
on 10/29/09 1:16 am, edited 10/29/09 1:23 am - Middle River, MD

I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE COMING, DOO-DAA, DOO-DAA!!!  Even though I don't get to see you much, I no likey you being far away!!  Tonight's gonna be a big slobberfest!!!!  Sucks to be Mike if you discover he hasn't taken care of them the right way!!

I agree, these past few days, the display of I don't even know what to call it has completely disgusted me.

I am SO dang glad you're coming home!!!!  Can't wait to see you!

Safe trip!!


Boxer Heather
on 10/29/09 1:20 am - Grasonville, MD

Heh...they've been keeping him busy by showing their distaste for a) me being gone; and b) him being back at work.  He's been doing a lot of "cleaning"..LOL!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

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