Some People Have A Lot of Nerve...or Maybe They Are Just Dumb
I was talking to a friend last night on the ride home from work. She knew that I was thinking about having surgery, but I never got too into it with her, because really she's only an aquaintance to me. Anyway, she asked me if I was still thinking about having the surgery, and I told her that I decided to do it, and I'm scheduled for the 10th.
She got really quiet for a minute, and then she says to me, "I bet you feel like a big failure."
Um, what?
She's always bragging about how she runs marathons, eats vegan...blah blah blah...which is why I never really got into my surgery with her. But that comment floored me.
So, I asked her why in the world she would think that I felt like a failure, and she says, "Oh, well, you know, not having the will power to do it on my own."
I sweetly smiled at her, and said, "Oh yeah, that's totally it. I have no will power." And then I went back to reading my book. I figure there's no point in educating someone who is stupid enough to say something like that to another individual.
Don't worry, it didn't shake me one bit...I just had to share how much gall some people have.
Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed
Robin - I've been lucky enough that 99.9% of the people I've told about my journey have been wonderful and supportive. Thanks to Facebook, friends I had in the 3rd grade are cheering me on. My co-workers have been wonderful about it, in fact. But every time run into someone who says something like that, I'm just a bit floored. Even if I never had to deal with obesity, I couldn't imagine saying something like that to someone.
Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed
You know, after the last few days, NOTHING surprises me. I'm just sorry you had to deal with this ignoramus!!!
Continue to hold your head high! You are a fantastic woman and your great attitude will stand you in good stead as you continue your journey with your friends by your side!!
Hugs and love,
Meh - I'm just surprised that someone would actually say that to another person. I mean, to me it's like going up to a short person and saying "Wow, you must feel like a failure...never growing tall and all."
But I'm going to let it roll off my back.
Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed
Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed