i got the whey choc but what do i mix with it? i also can hold cereal down
Describe your dumping syndrome to me, Helen. NOT in graphic details, though!! LOL!!!
The crackers are not good. You need good, solid protein, not high fat carbs.
You can mix the protein powder with skim milk, that'll give you a boost. Do you have a blender?
And step away from the cereal, too.
I'll get back to you with more ideas. Who cooks? You or Ron?
BTW, we haven't talked in a while - I GOTS A MAN!! LOL!!
my pooh cook, hell we have been togeather for like 10 years it was well into our 3rd year before i got to teach him how to scramble a egg, he does quite well for him self now though nothing bigger than a grilled cheese lol unless were grilling there he is good
they dont know one doc says eating to fast, and the nerve of dr vanguri now you know i was good in taking up for him right, im back and forth in that freaaking place like six times each time i stay 4 to 5 damn days he had the nerve i tell ya to say to me he thinks i come back for the pain med,:? i was what the fu@$#!!!! no im not i hate this place cost me 300 each dam tim e i come in , i want a stronger nausea med and get my papers to go home ready ive had enough of you and this damn place you cant figure out what the hell is wrong, boy did his eyes pop lol i laugh
now but wasnt funny at the the nausea meds he gave me does the job quite well have not been in hospital for like 2 weeks now yaaaaaaaahhhh.anyhow
first ok my dumping syndrome i guess thats it
get nausious then mouth fills with water, have to go to potty so , my shower is right next to the pot so just picture it , peeing gagging nothing but slime coming up for like ever it feels like but now not so bad with new meds , rarely do i dump and im wondering if its safe to take a laxitive only go once a week not good i think that what is hurting me belly