Boxer Heather
on 10/27/09 3:00 am - Grasonville, MD
Well, I was a freshman there in 1986, so that shows you just how old I am!  LOL!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

Russel B.
on 10/26/09 11:15 pm - Ellicott City, MD
Good Morning all - and man I second that emotion on the rain - I have had about enough of it and it looks like we're in for at least one more day.  I believe I am starting to grow mold

any way, my three things for the day that I am grateful for.

1.  A quiet night alone last night with my sweetie.  With five kids between the two of us we don't get too many of them

2. That my daughter made it back to school today.  She sounded so much better.  And she's already panicing about the work to be made up.   Poor thing.

3.  For Crystal Lite - about 2 months ago I gave up a pretty heavy Diet Pepsi addiction cold turkey - no sodas or caffeine since then.  I have a transfer addiction to Crystal Lite - I pray that my tastes don't change so much post-op that C.L. won't tast good - I could be in bad shape there, lol.

Have a great day everyone -  do it just to tick off the rain.

Fear is the lock and laughter the key to your heart            
(deactivated member)
on 10/26/09 11:30 pm - Middle River, MD

LOL!!  Russel!!  You're nuts!!!  I like that in a man!!!! 

Holy cannoli!!  Five kids?  You and your sweetie are saints, man!!!!

Way to go on giving up the soda!!!  That's awesome!!!!  I was never much of a soda drinker pre-op, but I did LOVE the occasional fountain Coke.....and still indulge once in a great while.  I think many of us would agree that Crystal Light and its off-shoots have saved our souls!!  Hopefully, your taste for that won't change post-op.

You have a wonderful day, too!



(deactivated member)
on 10/26/09 11:32 pm - Middle River, MD
Our sweet Aaron asked me to post this for him today:

1.       The ability to see where I’ve strayed and the will to move past and fix myself

2.       My circle…..you know who you are!

3.       Tia for she is my rock when I’m waving in the wind

I love you Wuzzy Bear!!  You are SO not alone in this!!!



on 10/26/09 11:47 pm - crofton, MD
Good Morning to all..
Tia, I am glad payday is coming to it will be nice to have money so I can pay bills and watch it go. How exciting!! We love Honey crisp and I just purchased a bushel. Not cheap. I hope Ron is feeling better and you can get back to kissing soon. I will pray for Ron as well and hope he gets better soon.

Bernice, Glad your boss is working with you that is very nice. It is great to have support from friends and family. You bring the Boots I will Bring the rain coats.

Russel, Glad you had quite time with your sweetheart.I hope your daughter stays well and no one else gets sick. I love Peach Mango Crystal Light. I would be lost without it.

Aaron, Hello and I hope all gets better with you. Glad to hear from you.

3 Things,

1) Today my baby is turning 17. I am happy but sad to think my little man is growing up so fast.

2) Massage today and acupuncture tomorrow.

3) Happy that my hubby and I celebrated 29 years together Friday. Can we do 29 more? I think so.

Have a great day.

(deactivated member)
on 10/26/09 11:52 pm - Middle River, MD

Hi Julie!!

Heather  M. called last night to let me know that the Target in White Marsh, which now carries limited fresh produce, had 4 pounds of Honeycrisp for $5.  That's CHEAP!!  So I'm going to get some tomorrow.

Thanks for the good wishes for Ron - my friend in Canada.  George, the guy I'm seeing, is doing better, though, too - thanks!

Wow!!!  29 years is simply amazing, Julie, especially today!!!  I hope you and hubby have many, many happy years together!!

And happy birthday to your baby!  He realizes, doesn't he, that even when he's 50, he'll still be your baby???


on 10/26/09 11:59 pm - crofton, MD

Wow that is a good price. I paid $45.00 for the bushel. My friend who is in Californial told us she paid $3.00 for 1 Honeycrisp. Yea I hope my son knows that he will always be my baby. I love the country song that Blake Shelton sings called The Baby. It is great but sad too. I hope we can make anothe 29 and thanks. Take care Tia and I hope all is going well in your world.


                                                                                          Hugs to you,


Bernice G.
on 10/27/09 12:22 am - Aberdeen, MD

Julie!!!  Congratulations on your anniversary!!! 

I want a massage...gah I love massages...

I know how you feel about your son...looking at my BABY getting married this past weekend was like, "Whoa...she's not old enough for this!!  I was just singing Winnie the Pooh to her yesterday!"  Which I was...just to annoy her...  LOL

Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed  


on 10/27/09 12:29 am - Church Hill, MD
Good late morning all! I cant believe I just woke up....I have been trying to go thru & pack everything for our move in two weeks, so I have been exhausted. I agree with everyone else's sentiment about the rain...Yuck!

Today I am grateful for:

 1} my daughter is alive.  Her truck was totaled Saturday nite.....I didnt want to see it, but I finally went to see it yesterday. She is oh so lucky! I thank God above that the truck that cost her so much in repairs, had 2 fully functional airbags that deployed!

 2} For my RNY.....65 pounds may not seem like alot to some people, but to me it has made all the difference in the world. The last week of packing, sorting, and moving boxes has been so much easier for me! I can even climb the attic stairs without fear!

 3} That I have a great group of family & friends who are there for me whenever I need them.....even if it is just to B****! LOL

Have a great day everyone!

Starting weight 301 Current weight 127

No Matter How I May Change, I Will Still Be ME!!!!

(deactivated member)
on 10/27/09 12:49 am - Middle River, MD

Morning Hojo!!

Oh, no, poor Lizzie!!!  Thank God for airbags!!!  Trucks can be replaced, of course.  WHEW!!

65 pounds is amazing!!!  I remember being on the beach in DE when we got the call that you were a loser.  Seems like it was just yesterday, and now you're down 65 pounds!! Woo-hoo!

Moving?  Ick.  Have fun with that!



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