Daily calorie intake
Sometimes it takes a little time to get into the groove, yanno?
Yes, I promise it gets easier!!! It's just like anything - now matter how well prepared you think you are, there are always some bumps in the road.
The most I probably got this far out was like 500 calories a day. I focused on my protein intake. But like Tia said if you are following your doctor's regiment you are doing great.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Hi Brandi I will copy below what is on my Doctors sheet for REGULAR CONSISTENCANY which for me started at week 7 but still check with your NUT as we all know all Docs are differenct.
1. Eat three meals a day no snacking
2. Take small bites and chew well
3. Stop eating when you get full sensation
4.Stop use of liquid protein in between meals at week 7.
5. Avoid fluids 30 minutes before and 90 min after a meal
6. Drink only non caloric non carbonated beverages
7. No liquid calories no juice
8. Avoid grisly or rough meats, bran, granola and other high residue foods.
9. Avoid empty calories from high fat foods.
10. Try to get typically 800 calories a day in for the first 6 months after week 7.
11. No red meat for six months. ( I didn't follow this one...Oops)
12. Salads are now acceptable to eat. WOO HOO!!
So not that you needed all of that but it was on one of my discharge sheets that is titled Regular Consistency begin at week seven. ;o) Good luck honey.