on 10/5/09 11:34 pm - Tampa, FL
Good morning T!

B sure sounds like a cutie.  I love kids around that age, they say the cutest things.  Any idea what Darla and Kathy are getting into down in FL?  I wish I could be there right now, visiting my family and enjoying the beach...

Today I'm grateful for:

1.  That tonight is the 5th out of the required 6 nutritional classes I'm required to take. YAY!!!  We're moving right along. Maybe in a month I can get the doctor's office to submit to insurance. Hopefully they won't mess around.

2.  Books.  I love reading. I don't read anything too deep or intellictual, but I enjoy reading.  I can tune out the rest of the world and just enjoy nice quiet "Angie" time, with my fur-kids curled up on me, keeping me warm.

3.  For my friends, both online and IRL.  They help me keep my sanity. They let me vent and somehow make me laugh about it in the end.  They don't judge me, they enjoy me for me and all my many quirks.  They help me tune out the BS that goes on.  I know who my true friends and support system are. love ya!

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
- Anatole France

(deactivated member)
on 10/5/09 11:40 pm - Middle River, MD

Good morning, lovey!!!  B just says the most hilarious things - particularly when it's just the two of us. 

I don't know what our girls are doing in Florida - they're in Jacksonville, staying with Darla's brother, but she says they're having fun.

Wow!!!  One more class to go!!  I'm so inspired by the fact that you've continued to perservere through all of this (even if I did have to hunt you down and drag you back!!).  My life on here and IRL is MUCH brighter because you're in it!!!!

Amen!  Reading is SUCH a great escape.  But then again, so are bearded men, sooooo....! LOL!!

You let me vent, rant/rave, confess, too, and I love that YOU are NOT judgemental in the least - recognizing that we're all different!!!  YOU are a true friend and I love ya, girl!!!


on 10/5/09 11:48 pm - Tampa, FL
"judge not yest le be judged' or something like that right? 

the DH hasn't shaved in a couple weeks.  He's got a decent beard going on (for a change...LOL) you want him?  I certainly don't get to see him much.  :)

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
- Anatole France

(deactivated member)
on 10/5/09 11:53 pm - Middle River, MD
Thanks, babe, but I'm happy with the bearded man I've got!!  And I was really happy to see that George thinned his out a little, now it looks like overgrown stubble, which I find incredibly sexy!!! 

Um....Bill sounds like a gem, but I'm not into sharing - whether I've been granted permission or not!!!!

(deactivated member)
on 10/5/09 11:34 pm - Middle River, MD
Good morning Tia!  Sorry I haven’t been around but you know that during the day, I’m watched like a hawk and when I get home of an evening, I’ve got so much other stuff to do, I don’t have much time for the board anymore.   Here’s my 3 things:   1.        This and my other board.  During the first few months of being pre-op and post op and beyond, both boards have been a great source of strength for me and I have taken away from it the power I have found in myself to maintain my goals and be a source of information for other people as well.  I have also learned from giving support over time that I treat people differently in person.
2.       My weight hasn’t budged and I’m still 10 – 15 pounds away from goal, but you know what, I couldn’t be more happy about it.  At least I’m not gaining it all back.
Being pulled over this past Friday for speeding and just getting a warning ticket and the officer putting down on my warning as 200 POUNDS  LOL  brightened my day LOL  I hadn’t changed my driver’s license yet and he told me that I definitely didn’t look like I was 465 (which was a lie on my license).   I hope everyone has a great day!   Aaron
Boxer Heather
on 10/5/09 11:46 pm - Grasonville, MD
Morning T et al,

Yes!  Yesterday was not the greatest of days but what Monday is?  Love that story about B - he is a character!!

Today, I'm grateful...

1.  That there are just 3 more days in this workweek after today.  I'm HOPING to take Friday off, that means I have to work harder and faster to get things done by Thursday, but I'm hopeful!

2.  For a break from teenage drama at home...did I say that yesterday?  LOL!  The drama continues from afar but it's nice to not have it actually in the house...and that Mike is the filter!

3.  For this board and all of it's support.  I have learned so much from the people who post here regularly over the past year to year and a half.  I would have been lost without all of you!  Thank you for being there and for being my friends IRL too!

Have a great day!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

(deactivated member)
on 10/6/09 12:39 am - Middle River, MD

Hey honey!

Yeah, B makes me smile - MOST DAYS!!!

Ooooh, I'm taking off on Friday, too, since Monday's a holiday!!  CANNOT wait!!!!

Glad you have some semblance of normalcy back in the house.

WE (specifically I) would be lost without YOU, too!!!  I love ya and love the time we spend together!!!  Separated at birth, we were!!




Boxer Heather
on 10/6/09 3:33 am - Grasonville, MD
So, now it seems that I may not get to take Friday off afterall!  Because I have to wait for someone else to do something before I can do what I want to do...love my job...NOT!

Yep, that's why you are WT and I am WT!


    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

(deactivated member)
on 10/6/09 3:34 am - Middle River, MD
MAJOR SUCKAGE!!!!  Can you hurry them along?
Boxer Heather
on 10/6/09 3:43 am - Grasonville, MD

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Sorry...had to laugh so I wouldn't cry!  That would assume that I have any control over them, which unfortunately I do not.  If they haven't done what they need to do by the end of the day Thursday, I'm going to say to hell w/them and take Friday off anyway.  I'll have more than enough hours in anyways and I do not get paid over time!!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

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