3 Things for Tuesday

Darla P.
on 9/21/09 9:47 pm - Timonium, MD
Good Morning Maryland

Tia is probably going to be buried under the paperwork on her desk this morning
so I will get things rolling!

1.  For my Pilates class last night :  I was tired and had to drag myself there
but it was definatly worth it >  I once again managed some moves that I could
not do a month or two ago:  so even after 2 years I can see improvment
in flexability.  There are some I still can not do but I know with continued
work and effort I will manage them eventually.

2.  For my appt with Ranesa last night :  I have homework but thats ok :  I know
what I need to do-  its just a matter of doing it.

3.  12 days till vacay

4.  for my friends on this board:  I feel I was at the beach after listening to
Deb & Tia:  I am so glad they had fun!

Ok busy week here so I need to run

Darla     -



Nicole T.
on 9/21/09 10:29 pm
hey darla, i know what you mean when you say you know you have homework it's just going and doing it. my therapist is very good too and she just repeats herself until I listen. i feel sorry for her sometimes! what are you doing for vacay?

1. i am picking up my hubby tonight. he has been in kenya/uganda for over a week. looking forward to seeing him.

2. I cooked some marinara sauce and chicken up last night so I can feed him and it came out really good.

3. Friday I am going to have a wonderful weekend in AC w/ my best friend Kim and an old friend from high school, Nicole. She had RNY as well. It will be good to talk to her about some of the issues I've been having.

Have a great day everyone!
Russel B.
on 9/21/09 10:34 pm - Ellicott City, MD

Hi everyone

This is my first post on any of these boards, although I lurk daily and often.  I thought I'd break through today because I do have so much to be thankful for and thought I should share.

            1.  I GOR APPROVED YESTERDAY!!!!

             2. For the great boys weekend  I had this weekend playing golf     with my best buds in the world

              3. (And most important) For being married to the most wonderful and supportive wife any guy ever has the right or privilege to know

Thanks and I hope to become a regular here.


Fear is the lock and laughter the key to your heart            
(deactivated member)
on 9/21/09 10:38 pm - Middle River, MD
Welcome to the Maryland Board and congrats on your approval!!!   Buckle yourself in and prepare for the ride of your life!!

Thanks for joining us!

(deactivated member)
on 9/21/09 10:37 pm - Middle River, MD

Morning Darla!!  Thanks for starting.  Yeah, my desk looks as if it's about to collapse!! 

Today, I'm grateful for:

1.  Technology - Thanks to our phones, some dear friends who couldn't go to the beach with us WERE there - in spirit and voice, anyway!

2.  Sleep - I didn't get much at the beach, so I took a nap last night from 6-9, then got up and went to bed!!!  LOL!!

3.  A short week.  I'm off on Friday for some appointments for my Dad, so it'll really be a short week for me!

4.  Happy - Tomorrow is Happy's 3rd bday and the 2nd anniversary of her adopting us.  I asked her this a.m., "Do you want yellow cake with sprinkles?" and her tail was wagging furiously every time I said "cake"!!!  LOL!!!

Hope everyone has a great day!


on 9/21/09 11:01 pm - Essex, MD
Good morning fellow marylanders:

I don't usually post here but thought I would for a change.

Today I am grateful for.

1:  A man in my life that loves me and supports me.

2:  two children that are fighters just like thier momma

3:  For new found desire in fininshing my education.

4:  For the ability to forgive but not forget wrongs that have been done to me and mine.

have a wonderful rest of the week

Zells_lori is 'abuddingrose'
never settle for less than you deserve and you deserve only the best.                            
on 9/22/09 12:02 am - crofton, MD
Good Morning to all. Thanks Darla for starting off the day and being so positive.

Darla, Congrats on the Pilate's class. You have been doing well and I must commend you to drag in even when you are not really up to it. Good luck with your home work and I am sure you are counting down the days to your vacation.Right?
Russel B, Welcome to the MD board. Congrats on your approval happy to see you had a great golf weekend. It is also nice to have someone who loves       and supports us. Congrats on that.
Tia, Tech is great! Where would we be without it? Glad u r catching up on your beauty sleep. Glad you have a short week, Happy B-day to Happy She is a smart gal she knows what kind of cake    she wants and I am sure she will get it...
Lori, Congrats on the loving man. They are so hard to find. It is wonderful you have 2 kids that are fighters and don't give up. I too wish I had gotten my education. I say go for it... I love your # 4 it is the truth..

My 3 things..

1) Going to see my Mom this week. Hope she will know me.

2) 3 Day weekend coming up. I can sleep        late.

3) Friends who support me no matter what and them knowing I will do the same for them..

Have A nice day.
Boxer Heather
on 9/22/09 1:23 am - Grasonville, MD
Morning Darla!

12 MORE DAYS!!!!!  I'm so happy for you...and Kathy!  Jealous but happy!

Today, I'm grateful...

1.  For the wonderful relaxing weekend at the beach with Gail, Tia, Debbie, and Kathy!  I honestly felt my self relaxing as I drove out there Friday afternoon.  Great time, great food, and most importantly...great friends.

2.  That I had the house to myself (and the furbabies) for several hours when I got home on Sunday.  I got to take a much needed nap!

3.  For a massage chair, a heating pad, and flexeril.  My back has been bothering me for the past several days and I finally broke the last two things out yesterday.  It still hurts but is more tolerable today.

Have a great day all!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

Darla P.
on 9/22/09 5:55 am - Timonium, MD
12 MORE DAYS!!!!!  I'm so happy for you...and Kathy!  Jealous but happy!


LOL now you know how I felt  this past weekend LOL   J/K

Hope I wasn't a pest with the texts :  they helped me feel better!
Darla     -



(deactivated member)
on 9/22/09 6:01 am - Middle River, MD
Only when I was eating crabs - that's why I had Kathy answer for me!!!  LOL!!!

Nope you weren't a pest....you didn't wake me once!!!  LOL!!
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