Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, HELP!
What is up with getting a yeast infection and not being able to get rid of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going out of my mind. And Barb, the nurse, at DVR's office says it has nothing to do with having WLS. I don't know what the h#### she's thinking but i haven't had a YI in forever. And at least not one as nasty as this one seems to be.
This topic is a little personal for me and i've tried to contain myself from posting but, come on already. I started treating this thing about 3 weeks ago. I started with Monistat 7 (over the counter) thought it was gone and low and behold it came back. Called Barb who said i had to call my PCP becasue the surgery had nothing to do with it (after the receptionsist Kris told me it was from antibiotics) okay, so i called my pcp. she sent the one treatment pill Diflucan to the Pharmacy and i took that looked like it was gone and i be damned if it didn't come back. Went back to Dr. last week and now i'm on two medicines. I can't take this $HI$.
This is just down right nasty and i gotta get rid of this thing. It's damed OFFENSIVE.
Thanks Julie, i'm just so frustrated with this problem. I'm going to the gyn on 24th and i couldn't get any appt. sooner because i had to choose a GYN from my plan.
My pcp has me on a cream and the diflucan for the next 4 weeks (one pill per week).
god, I hope that stomps it out.
I've been eating loads of yogurt with my new eating habits and yeah, i do change my soaps around a bit, do you think that causes it.
Stick with the prescription stuff, it'll work better and hopefully last longer than the OTC stuff.
The active ingredient in yogurt, acidophilus, is also available in pill form in GNC and places like that.
And soaps and bubble bath can absolutely cause this problem. They say not to use soap there, but what are you supposed to use????? LOL!!! You might want to try something that's mild, like Basis.
Every single time I'm on antibiotics, this happens. I'm so used to it that as soon as I'm given a script for an antibiotic, I ask for one for Diflucan and/or a cream.
Tia, you know i notice that everytime i take the soap and try to lather up inside with it - it gets worst. i was wondering what the heck that was all about.
thanks, for that tip.
OMG that was so funny what you said about the scripts for antibiotics and asking for one for the diflucan as well. That is so funny.
I hope i don't need any antibio's anytime soon. My God.