How To Deal With This Type of Situation...
So my office is NOTORIOUS for ordering lunch...chinese food, pizza grrrr. Mind you the office manager has been on a "diet" so we have NOT ordered in ages.
So this week the big boss leaves for biz and she decides she wants chinese food. She says to me, let's order and then she hesitated and said well can anyone eat? And I said. well not me of course (She just found out the end of last week that I was having surgery. I kept it from her because she is too negative and doesn't agree with it.)
Nonetheless several of my coworkers expressed that they didn't want to order and hoped she could wait until next week. So I went into her office and said not many people want to order they are doing this special "cleanse" a few other girls in my office are doing a liquid thing to support me. And her reply was, I don't give a F@$% I WANT Chinese!
So here I am on protein shakes and have to go around my office and ask everyone what they want to eat - spring rolls, dumplings, general tso, kung pao yayayayaya. It has been very difficult for me to do this. I am a little stressed about it and then a tad envious of people's lunch mostly because I cannot eat - anything!. I would have faired better had I not needed to take EVERYONE's order but no one else would do it for me!
It's done but I want no parts of it when it arrives. I will be steaming if I have!
Hang in there!!!
Nikki - Sorry you have to go through this esp when your trying to do al liquids. But it sounds you are going to have to stand up to this person and tell them you don't want to take part in this activity. Since you knows you are having surgery I'd suggest you tell her based on your new course of lifestyle you would appreciate it if she didn't involve you in the ordering lunch process. Hopefully just laying it on the line one time will work and she'll get the message. You may need to be as nasty to her as it sounds she was to you.
When the food comes in remove yourself and take a little walk around the block or something.
Hope this helps, good luck!
And like Heather said it does get easier and eventually you'll be able to eat with them, you'll just need to be picky about what you order.
you'll learn to stand up for yourself; harder when the person's your boss or superior in any way. Hang in there, you're being strong!
Thank GOD I won't be here for staff meeting lunch next week.
On another note my one coworker told me she thought my face looked thinnner, the other one told me he was excited for me, and the other one said, man you are gonna be HOT..not that you are not you are just gonna be HOTTER - you have a very pretty face...famous last words I have heard my whole life hehehe.
It's on thing to walk away from food but to have it thrown in my face these past 2 weeks have been hell. Damn even at Home Depot yesterday that were offering out popcorn.
Two more days of work and no more free lunch clock is ticking away to Friday.
for keeping it real!
Nikki, I know it's really hard sometimes when you are in a situation where people or person is acting like a asshole. When you are at work, can you leave for your lunch time? I would rather sit in my car, or under a tree, just so I didn't have to be a part of that ugly scene. Remember you are doing a very brave thing and jealousy and ignorance, are two types of people that you will run into, unfortunately. In the beginning it might burn for a sec. but when you start dropping the weight, you won't even care! Stay strong, we are all behind you, Leslie:)
Nikki - I'm finally free for about 15 minutes, and I just logged on to see THIS!!!
OMG!! I am picking Terri up and we are coming to kick your boss' ass!!! What an inconsiderate *****!!! Holy cow!!
I know you couldn't, but I would've been so tempted to say, "I don't give a F@$% WHAT you want, GO get it yourself."
UGH!! Just try to hang in there and call me if you need me!!