The hits just keep on coming
It seems somehow something got by my defenses,,, I have something that has disableded my Malwarebytes anti malware program. Treid to uninstall and reinstall in a different location, it still takes it over. Looks like a complete reimage is coming. I had everything Ghosted, by it was on a partition,, it looks like that is corruped as well. If I do have to rebuild this damn machine,, I won.t be around for a while.
It seems somehow something got by my defenses,,, I have something that has disableded my Malwarebytes anti malware program. Treid to uninstall and reinstall in a different location, it still takes it over. Looks like a complete reimage is coming. I had everything Ghosted, by it was on a partition,, it looks like that is corruped as well. If I do have to rebuild this damn machine,, I won.t be around for a while.