I look forward to the cool, crisp air, the way it feels on my skin in the afternoon when I leave work, the way it makes Happy prance with a bigger spring in her step.
I look forward to pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING. I'll try really hard to stay away from SB Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and am going to have to break down and buy my own s/f pumpkin syrup for my coffee.
I look forward to the colors on the trees and in Mom's garden. She plants mums because she likes to have color in the garden all year long.
I look forward to the smell of woodsmoke in the air.
I look forward to curling up at night with a cup of chai tea.
I (crazily) look forward to the insanity that rules our house as the holidays roll around.
I look forward to the look of the MSP Fallen Heroes Memorial - I keep the shades pulled all summer, so I'm happy to look out over our quadrangle.
How about YOU? What makes you happy about fall?
Sweater weather
The leaves changing
Our 2nd wedding anniversary
My niece's wedding in October
(Hopefully) my surgery in November
Watching my dog roll in the leaves...silly girl
Lighting the fireplace
Snuggling on the sofa with my honey (too hot in the summer for skin on skin!)
Milburns Orchard and one last apple cider donut before surgery
Visit my blog at I'm Being Bypassed
I can already see a change in my mood with the nice weather the past 2 days! (Despite all my crankiness on my liquids and my monthly visitor all at the same time grrr). I even took my puppers for a walk last night!
Crossing my fingers it stay in the upper 60's low 70s in the day and then 50's at night. Man do I love snuggling up in some sweats with a fleece banket and my remote
Nikki -
I agree, the fall weather will help you get outside - but word of warning - you'll be colder after surgery, so keep the sweats handy!!
Unfortunately, I fear we're not quite rid of summer just yet!
If you get the Walmart s/f apple drink mix, and heat it and add some cinnamon, it tastes JUST like hot apple cider!!
10 more days!!!!
I look forward to walks in our woods with my husband. Watching the woods change in all their glory. Walking through the rustling leaves.
Splitting and stacking wood together for our fireplace. Fun and good cardio.
Evening bonfires in our big fire pit in the terrace, snuggled into a warm sweater, sipping a glass of Fiore wine with my hubby, after rottisering a tenderloin or chicken over the fire...the kids making S'mores.
The season of warmth, glow and woodsy aroma in our great room as the fireplace will heat most of the house through the end of winter.
The wonderful smell of our neighbor smoking hams.
The squirrels and chipmunks busily laying in nuts and seeds for the winter and the return of the Juncos to overwinter under our back deck.
I could go on and on.....