Today, I'm grateful for:
1. Flexeril (YES, DRUGS, I AM GRATEFUL FOR DRUGS!) I'm in pain and therefore *****ier than normal so if anyone has a problem with the fact that I'm grateful for prescription drugs, take a long, hot, sharp knife and ram it into your shoulder blade - THAT'S what I'm feeling!!! So THERE!
2. My friends. You know who you are!!! I love you guys. My email inbox - not so much!! LOL!!!
3. Homemade tuna salad - Thank you, Mom! You're a lifesaver!!!!!
Have a great day!!! BAAAAAAAAA!
Busy morning here at work as well:
T: Glad the meds are helping.
1. That I took both classes last night : I'll be honest - house/dog sitting and checking
in at my own homestead is wearing on me : My little furbaby feels like I've deserted her
and stuck to me like glue the half hour I stopped at home last night. I MISS MY OWN BED!
I Miss my Computer I guess all in all I miss my life : Oh well only a couple more days to go
2. That my sister is having a good time on vacation and has managed not to hurt herself
this year LOL
3. For my family : having dinner with 2 brothers and sisters in laws tonight as well as
a niece and nephew I hardly ever see so its worth having to sit there and watch
them pick crabs just to spend time with them!
4. For friends and emails - geez I need to spend an hour or more to catch up
I'll be baaaaaa-ck later\
Have a good day all.
Um....well...the meds really aren't working 100% - just kind of keeping things at bay.
You're a good sister!! But you know how I feel about that whole situation for you!! God, let's hope your sister comes home whole and in one piece - you'll be trapped there forever!!! I hope Jessie's having a blast!
Happy rest of the work day!
Tia sorry about the pain and don't work to hard on those certificates. I am glad you have some drugs on board to help. We love ya too... Where would we be without you oh I know shoveling sheep crap and knee deep in sheep's wool. You have a wonderful Mom and are so lucky to have her around and functional...
I am grateful for...
1) Two tests done 2 more to go next week. IVP test no fun.....
2) Acupuncture today. I need it so bad...
3) Friends who have supported me and this board where I know we all are cared for.
Have a great day and BAAAAAAAA back at ya. I hear there is an job opening for a sheep Herder. LOL...
1. Im grateful for the lessons God teaches me. Sometimes I do stupid things and then he shows them to me and teaches me that Im human and that I need to forgive myself because He always does.
2. For this board. You peeps are wonderful. Nuff said.
3. For our health and our jobs, in that order. Some folks don't have either and im thankful that we do, furlough days and all.
Hi Mellie!! Strangely enough, I don't need the meds to sleep - my shoulder kills me when I'm up!
Forgiving ourselves is one of the hardest things in the world to do. I'm not very good at it.
I'd like to say I'd happily take furlough days if it helps people avoid losing their jobs, but unfortunately, I don't think that's the case!
How's Marty doing?
I am sorry you are still in so much pain. But girl please stop sharing the wealth!! I am in so much pain from my shoulder too that it hurts to sit here and type. I catch myself all hunched up. ughhhhh When I try to straighten up the pain gets worse. I need to find a good chiro out here because I can not drive to MD 3 times a week.
I hope you have a good day and your pain is not so bad. Send me some of your flexeril wouldya?
Today I am grateful for:
1. The barrel of laughs I had yesterday. My winbox is so full that if I don't start deleting soon wI will not be able to get anymore emails. lol
2. Gianna's first day of Second grade... The bus came in time and it was the same one from last year so she was relieved. There was a substitute mean bus driver one day and she was freaking out that maybe it would be him this time around again. Everything went without a hitch this morning!
3. For AC it is a going to be a HOT day today!
Have a great day everyone.
Baaa baaa buh bye!

I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal