Bulimia Nervosa after weight loss surgery......say it ain't so!
OMG, some days with my band made me FEEL like a bulimic! I loved it while I had it, but now I feel so "normal" without my "choke collar" LOL I would sometimes eat a bite or two too many (okay, several times a week!!! Old habits die hard) because I NEVER EVER EVER got a soft stop signal with my band and I would end up needing to barf because I thought something was stuck. In reality I think a lot of times I ate past full, plus I had some issues with the band and my anatomy hence the revision. Thankfully ever since my revision to the sleeve I've never had that uncomfortable feeling or need to barf. I actually get the soft stop now too! As soon as I feel full I stop and almost simultaneously I get a runny nose! But those days when I had to excuse myself from the table at the end of dinner I was most likely heading to barf! Living life without barfing is WONDERFUL now!
Sorry Nic I'd have to disagree with you. I was bulimic from age 19 to 39...yep 20 years. Many times I would binge eat with out the original intention to throw it up, but that was the outcome. Part of bulimia is the uncontrollable over eating. I could eat and eat and eat and not think twice or even realize what I was doing until I was so uncomfortable or guilt set in about what I'd done and then I'd have to run to the bathroom.
I am pretty sure a lot of my problem before surgery was binge eating, boredom, and "just because it was there". I was never diagnosed by doctors with binge eating... I am now 18 mo out from surgery, in therapy and have been diagnosed with Binge Eating. And yes, I have gotten to the point where I need to make myself throw up because I am sooooo uncomfortable. It is not everything that I have eaten, it is just the overload that comes up as someone else said. I do not sit before eating something and tell myself that I am going to bring it up as soon as I swallow. In a way, it is telling me that my pouch is still small and I haven't stretched it. How people can say that the surgery is an "easy way out"...they have no idea unless they live what we all go through. The other thing that has amazed me is being diagnosed with ADHD. Something that seems to be common with weight loss surgery patients. With all this new energy, I can not seem to sit still or get my mind to stop racing.
Good luck to you..
Good luck to you..