Boxer Heather
on 8/21/09 1:03 am - Grasonville, MD
Mine are whack jobs!  They can be overwhelming when all four investigate a new person/dog/cat en masse!  We should do that!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

on 8/21/09 1:14 am - Tampa, FL
Exactly!! Mine are whack jobs as well and can really intimidate and overwhelm new folks and animals, that's why I figure out they will probably get along fine. lol.  They don't always understand that not everyone wants them in their faces and an up close and personal crotch sniff.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
- Anatole France

(deactivated member)
on 8/21/09 1:18 am - Middle River, MD
I think Happy would love all your big doggies - cause she thinks she IS one!!  However, little kids and little dogs and cats?  No way!!

Boxer's already met and experienced the unleashed bottle rocket that is Happy!! 
on 8/21/09 1:27 am - Tampa, FL
My boys like little doggies too... in fact we had a neighbor's pit puppy come play last weekend and it was hysterical.  wish we had video of the 3 of them. 

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
- Anatole France

Nicole T.
on 8/20/09 11:03 pm
hey tia

look forward to see you all sunday. i am going out to eat with my husband tonight, though i am tired from yesterday and have so much to do for tomorrow. i have people coming over for a small dog group that i joined on meetup.com. so i need to clean, mow the lawn, and get stuff in the house to drink and eat. so lots to do. yesterday i was in annapolis after work for toastmaster training. didn't get home until 10:30. this morning felt like someone ran me over!

1. tgif

2. i see u guys sunday

3. did i say tgif? LOL
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/09 11:46 pm, edited 8/20/09 11:46 pm - Middle River, MD
((( NIC )))

Well, we're not meeting unti 3 on Sunday, so maybe you can rest then!  But just think - you KNOW you couldn't have done half of this pre-op!

I hope you have a good dinner with Em - keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

If you can't make it on Sunday, just give me a yell.


on 8/20/09 11:11 pm - Essex, MD

Your right it has been a two week long week. lol.
My things for Friday .........well


1) always and formost is that I have Zell in my life

2)  that it is Friday
3) that my eye exam went well yesterday and no effects from the mini strokes YEAHHHHHHH
4) thinking of going to Als on Sunday (Tia can I bring Zell along?)
5)  Thankful for so many good people on this board that I wish I could hug them all

Zells_lori is 'abuddingrose'
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/09 11:47 pm - Middle River, MD

Hi Lori!!

Yes, by all means, you AND Zell are welcome on Sunday!  If you can, though, because I need to call for a reservation today, let me know by noon or so.

I'm glad your appt. went well yesterday - PHEW!!!!

You can hug us all on Sunday!!  LOL!!!

Have a great day!



on 8/21/09 1:26 am - Essex, MD

Count us in for Sunday at Al's.

can't wait to meet those that will be there. 

Just got off the phone with Zell and
he said yes.

See you all then

Boy I have been hungry for crab cakes for a week

Zells_lori is 'abuddingrose'
Darla P.
on 8/20/09 11:15 pm, edited 8/21/09 1:03 am - Timonium, MD
Good Morning Everyone:

Today I am grateful

1.  That I get to see quite a few of you on Sunday :  bringing Toni with me who has been MIA
from the boards.

2.  That my sister and family are safely on the plane to Orlando:  I'm house/dog sitting this
week.  Along with working and keeping an eye on Mom and Dad :  can we say I will be

3. For my PCP visit last night :  LOL she complimented me on my nails -  said I could
be a hand model for commercials LOL  Yeah right!

So have a great weekend everyone :  if I'm MIA from the board over the weekend its
because I do not figure out my brother in law and sisters computers LOL

Darla     -



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