Anyone used to HATE the beach/pool and now loves it?
I've always loved the water,the beach, and let's not forge****er parks! But pre-op I was self conscious about how big I was compared to the rest of the people (even though most of America is overweight - obese!). Now the walk to the beach is easier, getting out of the beach chair or up off the sand is easier, no more crushing a folding chair with embarrassment, and everywhere I'm not self conscious about how I look in my suit! Although, I do opt for a running skort (made from swimsuit material) with a swim top just to hide my "curtains" that are on my thighs. And now I'm also very happy to smile for the camera rather than make an excuse for not having my picture taken!
I have always loved the water. But during the decades of my highest weight, I deprived myself of this pleasure - too embarrassed. Now I have rediscovered the water again and am loving it! Even my favorite workouts are in the pool. I also have taken up kyaking - totally beyond comprehension for me before. Life is good! WLS is great!
On August 21, 2009 at 5:48 AM Pacific Time, Flab2fabdiva wrote:
Good for you! Yeah, woman seem to be more embarressed than men at these types of things.... That's good you didn't have to go through it. I still go through it a little even 5 years after surgery. Go figure!!!! YIKES!!! The same with the women in the bikinis!!
Just because it comes in your size DOESN'T mean you should wear it!!! MY EYES!!!!
Well, I am still pre-surgery but.... Do I love the water? YES Do I wear a bathing suit? NO
I don't even wear bathing suits around my neighbors or friends. This year, the only time I wore one was either at home in our little blow up pool or at my parents house in their pool. My parents have seen me naked and in labor, so I don't think they mind the bathing suit! LOL
A lot of people are big, but they have skinny legs. Not me... I've got me some big legs! So, I keep them covered. I don't even wear shorts! When it's 90 degrees people probably think I'm crazy or care too much about what people think. But, the comfort level just isn't there.
Now, AFTER I lose 100lbs or so I'm sure I'll be half naked on the beach like everyone else!
I don't even wear bathing suits around my neighbors or friends. This year, the only time I wore one was either at home in our little blow up pool or at my parents house in their pool. My parents have seen me naked and in labor, so I don't think they mind the bathing suit! LOL
A lot of people are big, but they have skinny legs. Not me... I've got me some big legs! So, I keep them covered. I don't even wear shorts! When it's 90 degrees people probably think I'm crazy or care too much about what people think. But, the comfort level just isn't there.
Now, AFTER I lose 100lbs or so I'm sure I'll be half naked on the beach like everyone else!