Old friends/flames
Yep, had a lot of fun reconnecting with peeps on FB.
A lot of the friends I've found are people I became close to when we worked at a music store together in Los Angeles. We were all very close friends, but inadvertantly drifted apart over the years. One of them was indeed an old flame, I guess you could call him. We had some good times together. *wink* Actually we loved catching up on each other. He has a beautiful wife and son, still lives in LA and fronts a band now.
A lot of the friends I've found are people I became close to when we worked at a music store together in Los Angeles. We were all very close friends, but inadvertantly drifted apart over the years. One of them was indeed an old flame, I guess you could call him. We had some good times together. *wink* Actually we loved catching up on each other. He has a beautiful wife and son, still lives in LA and fronts a band now.
Yes, mine was more like a good time too. Says he's in KY now. We shall see what happens. Probably nothing.
Wow you lived in LA?! I love that place. I have a really good friend that lives there now and works for Sony (Head of executive travel). What a great life he has.
Wow you lived in LA?! I love that place. I have a really good friend that lives there now and works for Sony (Head of executive travel). What a great life he has.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!
I joined FB to play farm town and farm ville, I have been bombarded by former classmates. Funny think is I was in ZERO clics, well thats a lie, I was in the FU clic, (I don't care what you think, who you like, who you hate ect ect ect I'm me) but I was the only one. I had friends in the jocks, heads, geeks, beauty qeens, basically everybody. I was working full time afterschool from the 11th grade on, so I didn't hangout with anyone. Wasn't really a loner,, just busy working all the time. Now it seems everyone wants to be my friend. Hmmmm maybe I should start my little clic back up.

