It's a love fest!!!
Funny you should mention GS. When I was in GS, in the 70's, folk/campfire singing was BIG. We actually DID sing Kumbaya by the campfire!!!
S'mores. Oh, yeah!
Because food is an essential part of life - part of celebrations of life and death. It's only when it becomes an obsession, as it did for so many of us, that it's an issue.
S'mores. Oh, yeah!
Because food is an essential part of life - part of celebrations of life and death. It's only when it becomes an obsession, as it did for so many of us, that it's an issue.
Tia, so funny...LOL.. I am by a campfire and it is 87 degrees outside. My son thinks a campfire is needed whenever you go camping. Thats so funny about the GS oven. My friends were talking about that last night and how they baked cakes in them while camping. I love cake no matter what kind of oven it is cooked in. Tia I am feeling your pain my back has been acting up and I have been doing heat with no help. The flexril causes me to be depressed. Can't take it this pain is insane. I am now going to try ice instead of heat. I hope all of our pains goes away quickly...