(deactivated member)
on 7/30/09 10:06 pm - Middle River, MD
TGIF, huh?  It's been a longggg week.  I've got a busy weekend planned, and I'm crossing fingers that by 2, they say, "Have a good weekend!"  I never ask for that, but don't turn them down if they offer!

Today, I'm grateful for:

1.  Happy and Pinky-Dink have been reunited.  Dad brought it home this a.m., and said she grabbed it, hopped up on his lap and promptly went to sleep with it under her paw.  So life is good and Happy is happy!

2.  That my dentist is going to fit me in (but not till Tuesday), to yank a tooth.  I hate the thought of not having a tooth in there, but it's got to heal some before I can think about an implant.  Right now, it's hanging in there by a minute thread, and I'm kind of worried about what'll happen over the weekend (although they have an emergency service if needed).  Fortunately, there's NO pain, so as long as I watch what I eat, I should be okay.  Hmmm......Candy Kitchen sells gummy teeth - maybe I should look into that?

3.  For my friends here.  You guys make me smile, laugh, gag and cry on a routine basis through your posts, texts, PM's and emails.  I've always been blessed with wonderful friends, and you have been fantastic additions.  Love you!!

4.  That I get to see some of the girls this weekend at Lisa's PC party.  Can't wait.  I haven't seen Lisa (and Janet) since NYC, so I'm especially excited!!

Have a great weekend!

Darla P.
on 7/30/09 10:30 pm - Timonium, MD
Good Morning All:

T-  glad Happy is a Happy pup:  and that you can stop feeling like a terrible Mommy LOL

Today I am grateful for:

1.  Overtime  yep its a pain but with the car repair bill coming the 8 hours or so I work
this weekend will help.

2.  That I am going to a basket bingo tomorrow night
3.  That I have been to the gym every night this week!

4.  That it is Employee appreciation day here at work :  Lunch of Pit Ham Turkey & Beef
and Italian Sausage :  I can not eat much but its nice to actually sit down and
eat with coworkers for once rather then eating at our desk with the phones still
ringing off the hook :  One thing I will never figure out is people who insist on
calling during lunch hours.

So have a good weekend everyone!
Darla     -



(deactivated member)
on 7/30/09 10:33 pm - Middle River, MD

Morning DP!!

NEXT year, Pinky-Dinky will have a rope tied from him to Happy so this doesn't happen again.  Crazy, I know, but I DO feel soooo much better!!  LOL!!!

I hear you on the overtime - ever since they granted me the option, I've been earning some, but trying not to abuse it.

Ooooooh, eat some pit turkey for me!!!  I only like my Italian sausage in tomato sauce with peppers and onions, though. 

Have a great weekend!!  We'll catch up sometime in the next couple of days!



on 7/30/09 10:31 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
((( Tia )))

Happy Friday .. I've made it to the end of the week .. well . at least Friday a.m.   It's been such a week at work that yesterday truly FELT like it should be Friday.   Other than our plans for Mechanicsville tomorrow, nothing else on the radar.  Might meet Jeff & Wendy for Happy Hour tonight .. we seemed to have shifted from Saturday night to Friday nights lately.  I need to do my Sam's club run after work.  That should be a semi-quick in and out .. assuming I organize my thoughts and just whiz up and down the aisles that I need and not go sight-seeing!

Let's see ...

1) My little furries survived a marathon visit to the vet last night.   Our appointment was at 6 .. we got there a bit early .. and we were leaving at 7:15-ish .. after I got done with the credit card.  (the kittens got their 2nd distemper shots, the Feline Luek test, the vaccine for that, de-wormed .. and I came home with another round of the de-worming stuff to give them in two weeks, and the Frontline stuff for their first dose AND some Capstar for more immediate relief from the fleas!  I know they had to have come to me with the fleas originally, because I know there were none in the house to begin with !!!)

1 a)  A credit card to put the enormous charge on .. OMG .. I knew going in to the visit that it was going to run about $300 .. but then I added stuff on .. and it was over $500 .. OUCHies !!!  And of course on Monday they go to be de-clawed .. and that is not going to be a pretty charge either!!!

2) the new snackbar vendor in our building ... I am very good about bringing my lunch but in the last 2 to 3 weeks since we have the new vendor .. I know if I want to slack off .. there will be something good AND healthy for me to choose from.    This morning I was craving something 'solid' after my shake .. and could get an egg and swiss on wheat toast that was just exactly what I needed! 

3) Looking forward to the month of August and the various things that are on the calendar .. including seeing everyone at the pool party on the 23rd !!!   I know the summer is rushing by .. but August should be a great month!!

Have a happy Friday.

Hugs, Mo

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

(deactivated member)
on 7/30/09 11:49 pm - Middle River, MD

((( MY MOIE )))

Have fun this weekend, and tell Wendy I said hello!!  NOT sight-seeing in Sam's, BJ's, etc.?  NOT possible, for me, at least!!

OWIE!!!  For the buncles and the credit card!!  Gosh, vets are SOOOOOOO expensive.  But then again, I can't see having an animal and not be willing to take care of it, either.

For some reason, cat flea bites are the worst - I think because they focus on the feet/ankles.  Man, do they ITCH!!

I miss working in a building with a cafeteria, etc.  There are SOME restaurants in the area, and some deli's, but it's just as well that I bring my own, I guess.  Kudos for making good choices!

I can't wait to see you guys, too!



on 7/31/09 1:07 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
I splurged yesterday and got a steak & cheese wrap with peppers/onions/lettuce/tomato.   I thought I was a whole lot hungier than I truly was or once again forgot my pouch size . lol.   I managed to eat 1/2 of it, and the other half is in my fridge for lunch today!!!   I have to stay away from there today because the special is crab cake sammich !!!   ummmmmmm.. yummy !!!

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

Boxer Heather
on 7/31/09 12:00 am - Grasonville, MD
Hey Mo!!!

To cut down on vet costs, you can do your vaccinations yourself, with the exception of rabies.  Several of the vet supply catalog companies sell them in individual dosages and they are VERY CHEAP compared with what they charge you at the vet!  Also, I buy my frontline from Amazon.com or Ebay...it's waaaaayyy cheaper that way!  The only think I can't do that way is the monthly heartworm meds because you need a prescription for that and my vet won't give those out.

Just some ideas!

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

on 7/31/09 1:05 am - Anne Arundel County, MD

Thanks for the tips Heather!    These are all the 'initial' baby shots.   Going forward (after the two boosters in 3 wks) we will be down to the annual thing.   I understand that Banfield (at Petsmart) has clinics where you can go get the shots without paying for an 'office' visit.   County Animal Control does the rabies clinic too .. so that is an option.

I will check out the FrontLine on Amazon.   The vet has an online store that is competive with the petmeds.com prices, but that will still be $50/mo for the 3 kitties.  

The kids were so subdued this morning .. I can't wait for them to bounce back to their normal selves . then I'll be complaining because they are running up and down the walls!!!

Hugs, Mo

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

Boxer Heather
on 7/31/09 1:24 am - Grasonville, MD
Sounds like you've got the hook up!  Every little bit helps these days...especially with multiples!! 

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

Nicole T.
on 7/30/09 10:31 pm
Tia, glad happy got his toy back. luckily moosh uses all his toys and isn't completely attached to one of them. He has too many honestly LOL.

1. I figured out why I was having the dizzy lightening in head thing. I wasn't taking my pristiq. I dole out my pills a week at a time and ran out of it and forgot to put the pills in after the fact when I filled my new presciption. for some reason, I didn't notice in the morning I wasn't taking it. Last night it finally dawned on me and I took some and today I feel alot better. Not great but better LOL. At least no lightening.

2. my friends and family would do anything to make sure I was ok.

3. it is friday and been a crappy week. I think next week I will have actual work to do so I am keeping my fingers crossed on that one.
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