The weekend should be interesting - Lisa's PC party menu includes chocolate cake. UGH. I will NOT be having any. And you know what? It'll be tough, but I'll live. Cause it's not worth seeing the numbers on the scale go up. I've worked my butt off for a couple of weeks now, and I'm not about to backslide - not EVEN for chocolate cake.
PB - 3 paper thin slices of salami
B - Protein coffee
Greek yogurt with strawberries
L - Black bean burger with black beans, salsa, cheese & Greek yogurt
S - Pure Protein bar
D - Scrambled eggs with cheese
All my fluids, all my vits!!
B - Could only eat half of a piece of toast w/ scrambled egg and cheese...Mom finished the other half!
L - 1/2 cup chicken salad w/ 2 slices tomato
S - 2 Wasa crackers w/ jalapeno cheese
D - 1/2 cup chicken salad
S - NSA fudgicle

B- grilled ham & cheese on wheat bread, 16 oz coffee with vanilla chai spice creamer
L- 3/4 of ramen noodles 1/2 of banana
D- (home made) 1 cup Tortilni with ground beef meat sauce with parmesan cheese
S- 2 pineapple slices
All my vitamins and 96 oz of fluids
and 1 glass of wine to relax myself! lol
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal